Wednesday, February 27, 2008

I throw letter today

I just sent my resignation letter by email and SMS to my Project Manager today. After I have failed to get a pay raise in January, I have decided to look for another job. I sense a recession around the corner, with all the signs pointing south, hence the urgency to scout. Not that I didn't give Getronics a chance, but if they didn't value an employee who bring value and offer good performance, so be it. I am not the type who will work for peanuts. I helped them secure re-contracts after re-contracts, fixed a sinking ship abandoned by the ex-teamlead, and I am paid lower than some engineers. With my studies killing me, worrying about money is the last thing I need.

Boy, the job market is indeed good. I have sent 5 emails to the usual job agencies and got 6 replies. The job agencies were more excited than I am, with 1 particular agency came to my current working area during lunch for an interview.

I signed up for the sweetest deal of course, the one with the best pay, prospect, experience, package and environment. To those who didn't know, your employment contract is negotiable. You can push for a better package, so if you feel that you deserve better, give this a try.

After signing the offer letter and sending my resignation letter, I will start my 1 month count down today. Being a hard working bastard, I still have 4 days of off-days, 5 days of leave from last year, and 4 days from this year to spare. Judging from the looks of things, Getronics is likely to buy out all of my leaves which I certainly don't mind.

I hope people will miss me, for I have put in a great deal of effort to bring the smile to my users. I am quite sure that they will go back to the days where the helpdesk is more interested in looking good on paper than to deliver actual results.

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