Sunday, August 6, 2006

Killer questions from doc

I got really sick on 2 August, a migraine attack struck me and eventually lead to the compulsory puking in the toilet. So I figure that I to pay a visit to the doc.

At 9.30am, I arrived at the clinic, and picks up queue number 20. The counter staff asked customer 12 to go in. Wow, 8 more to go. The air-con was strong, and I am weak, so I went outside, bought a copy of The Straits Times and waited for my turn.

At 10.15am, I went in to see the doctor. After a series of questions and answers, I was wondering if it's another bad day.

[doc] You are having headaches quite often?
[me] It's probably migraine.
[doc] Did you get s brain scan done before ?
[me] Brain scan ? Why? (WTF, brain tumor har ?)
[doc] It's good to have a brain scan done. (Liew, if it's a tumor, I would have headaches everyday, not just today mah)

-- Fast Forward 5 mins --

[doc] You need a MC right?
[me] *nods* (I don't really need one as my stupid contract doesn't allow me to take medical leaves)
[doc] I will give you MC
[me] Can you take a look at this ? (Points at a blister)
[doc] * Looks at me again * You have a virus infection ! Do you have children at home ?
[me] * feeling strange * No ?
[doc] Wife ?
[me] * Starts to hurt inside, the children he was asking about in the last question probably was for my own children. Hurted even more * Why?
[doc] Well the chicken pox virus has reactivated and I have to put you on medication. I recommend this. * Digs out Acyclovir tablets * You need to take this for 2 weeks to suppress the virus. $1.50 each. You need 4 doses a day, 2 pills per does for 2 weeks.
[me] * Wallet starts hurting too * Eh ok.... * sian *
[doc] I give you a week's first. It will * Start doing mental sums * cost you $84 a week. Is that ok?
[me] Huh ? Ok. * Sinking feeling started *
[doc] Come back in a week to get the next week dose. Here. * Start writing MC * You get 14 days MC.
[me] Thanks. * Super sian, walked out *

-- At counter --

[me] To you accept NETS or credit cards ?
[counter staff] No. We accept cash only.
[me] * Sian * I go draw some cash.

-- Fast forward 5 minutes, I went to ATM and got $100 cash and return for my drugs --

[counter staff] Mr Foong ?
[me] Yeah ?
[counter staff] It's a total of $100.
[me] * Sian, forks out the dough, took the booty and left the clinic *

-- Ending comments --

It's 5 August, Saturday when I wrote this. Acyclovir is indeed effective. The doc solved my medical issues but landed 2 hard punches (got children ? got wife ?) into my sorry heart and another jab in my wallet. I really wish I can use the 14 days MC to rot at home but being in a stupid contract that doesn't allow me to take medical leaves, I can't afford to do that. Since physically I am fine, I went back to work the next day. I don't want to go back to office to see a big mess from the standby guy. Not that I don't like him, but it takes time to get used to the many systems there. Time to seriously looking for a girl friend and a pernament position perhaps ?

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