Saturday, August 5, 2006

Have your name been banned ?

I read this article yesterday where it says that the Malaysia National Registration Department has banned "undesirable" names for newborns. There is now a list of banned names which basically contains "undesirable" keywords from the various languages such as English, Cantonese, Hokkien, Malay and so forth. Well, that's interesting. There are so many possible variations of "undesirable" names in so many languages, this will be a very long list if it is to be exhaustive.

"My mother named me Ass because my Father died after he saw me for the first time"

Well, it's a common sense that we should give our children nicer names, rather than Ah Kow, Ah Siao etc. It's so many donkey's years ago when people still believe giving a "fierce" name to your children will help them to ward off evil beings and bad luck. Hey wait, let's say I am a nasty evil spirit and I am hell bent to harm you for no good reason other than passing time. I wouldn't bother to find out what's your name before I turn your life upside down, inside out and bloat it with misery.

Even Homer Simpson gave proper names to his kids.

Oh maybe it does work but it also attracts unwanted attention from your fellow human beings. Since I believe most of us aren't the target of serious bad luck or evil spirits, the disadvantage of being laughed at by whoever knows your wacky name will certainly be much greater. Fortunately, at least for Singaporeans, you can pay a fee to change your name if you don't like the one given by your parents. Or for the most of us, we just append a Ang Mo name to your name. Chances is that people will remember your Ang Mo name than your dialet name right?

To think of it, having a nicer name did somehow gave Faye Wong a jump start at her career ? Maybe you will like to try out this Chinese name generator. Or you want a Ang Mo name ? Here is a very long list of international Ang Mo names.

However, I still insist on people remembering my dialect name as I don't want to be the generic Vincents, Davids and Jasons on my phone list.

Darn, if only I can find the list of banned names and share with you people. If you can locate this list, please let me know.

Labbit Fanatic P.S -> 阿兔 is still valid as far as I know

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