Thursday, August 31, 2006

Where is my 8 Goretusk Livers ?

Quest: Goretusk Liver Pie


Salma Saldean needs 8 Goretusk livers to make a Goretusk Liver Pie.

Game Description:

The onions are peeled. The garlic is minced. The rosemary is crushed. The crust has been baked. The dill weed is chopped. The gravy is simmering. Now all I need for my famous meat pie are 8 Goretusk Livers!"

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors. x 8 only

Wow, sounds easy ah ? This is only a level 12 quest for World of Warcraft (WoW), it can't be hard right ? Just kill a couple of Goretusk and I can complete the quest in 15 mins !

1 whole hour later, after running around Westfall, I was grumbling about the slow respawn rates of Goretusks, their limited population and the insanely low drop rates of Goretusk livers. This is despite of the average drop rate of 26.52% (An average of 32 boars killed to obtain 8 livers).

Hey don't all pigs have livers in them ? Why do I have to kill so many pigs for an hour to get 8 livers ?

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Oii Oii, you want a piece of me huh ?

Junming had also pondered on this fact too. The games drops ain't that realistic, but hey, it's just a game right ? Maybe during the killing process, I have damaged the pigs' liver beyond recognition ? Could it be my ice bolts froze the liver and my fireball toasted them so badly?

Give me a break ! This is insane !

It reminds me of the quill rat (a large rat) in diablo 2 which can drop items as large as lance. A lance is a polearm 3.65m long and weights 4.5-6.8kg. It can mysteriously appear after you kill the rat. Very incredible.
The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.
How does a rat carries these around ?

Ok, it's not the first quest in games that asked me to spend hours, collecting some grotesque items such as hearts, livers,eyes or some other random body parts. Hmm...Diablo 2 also has that, maybe it's because both games are made by Blizzard.

The road to level 60 continues...

Friday, August 25, 2006

Buying air-con

I went down to the local air-con shop with Jun Ming. After 30 mins with sales women, we arrived at the topic of cleaning the blower unit's air filter. She was emphasising on the importance of cleaning the air filter to keep the blower in good condition.

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

This is a blower, the filter is inside.

JK : I am not going to clean the filter. (Health reason)
Sales women : Ah ! Your wife can do it. (in a matter of fact look)
JK : --- Sian silence ---

A case of deja vu again.

The scream of Jia Khang...that's what I am doing in my head

Thursday, August 24, 2006

A Love Story - Smooth E

Very funny love story centering on Smooth E.
What's Smooth E ? Watch the videos on this site to find out.

If only reality is this simple.

In the advertisement, it involves a tomboy, a useless boyfriend, a devoted male friend, a cosmetic sales woman with a secret, and 3 gangsters with nothing better to do. Really funny and it's worth your time watching.

If only commericals are all as entertaining as this one.

Wednesday, August 23, 2006

I got千里眼

Eh, more like 200 meters.

I am so amazed by my own eye sight. I spotted Mei Feng walking up street 41 from 200m away from the back despite that it was 8.45pm and the air was smoky with ashes rising from illegal fires of 冥纸 in the process of conversion into legal tender in hell. (I am wondering if the huge influx of hell notes every 中元节 will cause severe depreciation in the value of the hell dollar. Maybe red candles are worth more since they are rarer.)

OK, I admit that it was the fact that a tall girl wearing skirt with swinging buddocks hips is really hard to miss. Alas, she might not be able make it to the upcoming TGPS BBQ 2006 @ East Coast. I curse hope that her boss will cancel their dinner or else we will not get to see a tall girl wearing skirt with swinging buddocks hips. So Meifeng ! It's so distinctive of her. Don't loss too much weight hor. I think it's the salsa (not the sauce)

P.S. Don't flame me pls.

Stolen Quoted from wikipedia

"Cultural significance of hips

It should also be noted that hips, particularly those of women, have long been associated with both fertility and general expression of sexuality."

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Jiakhang, the bearer of IT bad news

I should be feared as the bearer of IT bad news wherever I work at. It applies in SLS too, as I often have to break bad news to customers everyday.

I think I have the tendacy to give annoucements to my colleagues on all kind of IT issues in any company I worked in. The last time it was the Overland Powerloader backup drive (USD$4799.99 without tax and delivery).
The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

While trying to locate some files to do a backup with, something odd was shown on my screen : There is nothing there. After a flurry of commands, I realised the gravity of the situation. Now it's an entire database that went missing! Somebody actually wiped a database off a mission critical application ! Why am I fated to find such lobang ? It's not some noob who did it, it had to be someone with administrator rights ! The IT team went ballistic at the news.

And the saga continues tomorrow. The witch hunt has begin !

Monday, August 14, 2006

A fulfilling Saturday

Finally, a Saturday where I can have my shedule packed full of things that I want to do, and throughout the whole day from morning to night no less.

The day started at 9.30am when I woke up to the terrible itch in my head to switch on my computer monitor to check my emails and MSN. It's sort of a routine thing now, even when there is pretty much nothing to read. I washed up, got changed, grabbed a parcel which had flew in from US a couple of days before and made off the Cuiyan's flat. Oh yeah, that parcel is special. I haven't bought a plush toy for my entire life time, and I bought 2 at 1 go. At quite a cost too.

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Cute heh ? The total cost also quite cute !

Oh yes, that's Cuddles from Happy Tree Friends. As far as I know, there are currently no shops in Singapore selling this. So I ordered them and had them delivered by Fedex priority global parcel service. The parcel arrived in about 3 business days, which is really fast compared to the normal 1 to 2 weeks I had experienced previously using standard parcel services for my Magic the Gathering card purchases.

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Cuddles...hmmm cute rabbit

I saw this on sale on the first week of August from a mailer from For those the sad souls who are deprived of some sadistic fun, and doesn't know what happytreefriends is, I can summarise this for you : It's a cartoon series that is disturbing funny and has entertained myself and my sisters. Here, watch some will you ? Shiyun likes the character Cuddles most, and it happens to be rabbit. So I bought 2 of the plush toy, 1 for Shiyun as a belated birthday gift and another for Cuiyan, who is a serious rabbit fanatic. Oh did I already mentioned that it's cost me .. oh well.

Anyway, I had promised to lend my help for Cuiyan's plunge into the sales world. She had got herself a spot at a flea market behind Orchard Cineleisure (1pm to 7pm) organised by Lime magazine. She had prepared a a series of colourful slippers from her Thailand purchasing trip and some accessories from a friend for sale. Her entrepreneur spirit rekindles mine as well, so I gave her my help in the form of manpower and lady bags on consignment from Jia Lun.

While making my way to the lift lobby of cuiyan's block, I met Jiemin and Xiaohui as Jiemin illegal parked his van at the rubbish chute parking bay. Jiemin had made good his promise to be our driver for the day. So nice of him. Together we made our way up to Cuiyan's flat. After the usual morning greetings, I gave Cuiyan the Cuddles plush toy (pity, she can't appreciate the gore in happytreefriends), and we proceedto load up the goods for sale into Jiemin's van.

Oue first stop was for breakfast. Since Cuiyan was giving us a treat, we gave her a chance to suggest the destination before we gave ours. So instead of abolone porriage or sharkfin noodles, we came to Macdonalds @ Bishan Junction 8. Woah, I should have guessed. Everytime you asked Cuiyan where to go or eat, without fail, she will sprout the magical words : Junction 8. What a great fan. Let's buy some Capital Reits stocks people !

Boring story cut short, fast forward to the our arrival at Orchard Cineleisure. Since none of us knew where is the unloading point, we went against the traffic at the one-way street near the entrance of Orchard Cineleisure carpark entrance, and got as close to the flea market spot as possile. We hastely unloaded the goods before a security guard came around and spotted us blocking the traffic while unloading. Jiemin quickly drove off before anything dramatic happens while the rest of us went in to locate our table position.

Photo_0003 Here is how the flea market looked like after it was fully setup and operational at about 1pm.

While setting up our spot, I took full advantage of the chaotic situation and took up more space than allocated by rearranging the tables a bit. An additional 80cm of retail space was created. Woah ! That's something a bad neighbour will do !

As noobies in a flea market, we realise that we did not have any table cloth to cover the crude wooden planks which was our table.
So we started off the day with a colourful array of slippers selling at $5 each, necklace at $3 each and kiddy looking lady bags at $8 each. Jiemin and Xiaohui bidded us farewell after a quick spin around the flea market, well not before we convinced them to come back for us at 7pm and catch the final firework competition display together after that.

The business started out slow, and the sun was firing intense infra-red rays onto the area. Soon, Cuiyan's colleague, whom I have forgotten her name (alamak, bad memory) arrived to help out at our stall.

* Update 17 Aug 06 * Cuiyan's colleague = Julie

And so our ladies got into high gear as I shared some tips on selling stuff to them. While it involved smiling and standing at the stall whole day round. I think they hate the standing part though.

We got our first sale, a pair of slippers at 1.45pm. I could almost see her happiness index soar when Cuiyan made her first sale. Sales picked up as the crowd grewed at about 3pm. Cuiyan's friend Julie, suggested that we should drop the price of our necklace to $1 as the opposite stall was selling at $2.50.

Surely enough, sales went up for the necklaces after the price cut. We also started selling the slippers at 2 for $8 and 3 for $10 to boost sales.

Photo_0000 This was the stall opposite us. Our cut throat necklaces pricing seems to work so well that I did not observe any sales on their part. Ha ha, so evil. Well their bags didn't move either FYI.

Cuiyan's JC friend, Xiao Yun amd Pong came along to visit. As a ex-SIA girl, Xiao Yun do looks better than the average Singapore girl and is pretty friendly. Afraid that our labbit fanatic would die from hunger in the middle of Orchard Road, they also bought 猪肠粉 for her.

Meifeng also popped by with her male friend. Quite Ang mo pai type. He kept stressing the fact that there he is not attached by showing his ring-free fingers and kept suaning Meifeng for the whole duration of their stay.

There was also a interesting customer who had interested in our free gift. a blue pouch for the necklace. She thought that the little pouch was for sale. We had 2 colours for that small pouch, blue and red. It reminded me of the chinese story of a precious pearl which had a special box crafted for it to enhance it's value. Instead of making the pearl more valuable, it did the opposite, the box was held in higher value than the pearl. And going back to the lady, she bought a few necklaces for her daughters and took 2 blue pouches. I think all she wanted was the blue pouches. She just didn't want to look stupid because she tried to buy a free gift.

Meifeng came around at about 5pm again. During a chat with Cuiyan, she mentioned that she did not like her male comparion's NS friend because they made a degrading comment behind her back. They said that her t***t are too b** (Censored due to sensitive nature). Boy I have never took noticed. But that's a very shallow and unfair comment to make. Those testosterone driven brains clearly didn't realise those stick figures they adore so much are the minority. Can't wait to check out their wives in 10 years' time.

Julie left at about 5pm, after a chat with MeiFeng on how sinfully short their skirts are. In order to prevent her hubby from feasting on instant mee again for dinner, she had to leave her position for home. So there goes Cuiyan's colleague.

Nearing 7pm, the free-for-all begun. Prices fell and the crowd grew. The sky grew darker as the time goes on. Nobody wanted to bring back their goods. Neither do we. So we started dumping the slippers for $3 each.

It didn't worked very well as we sold off 2(?) more pairs of slippers. It didn't help when the sky turned dark at an accelerated pace towards 7.30pm. As the flea market was operated without any modern technology, saved for Lime umbrellas, wooden tables and plastic chairs, we had to packed as fast as we could before we found ourselves blinded in the darkness. Jiemin and Xiaohui arrived just in time to help us pack up. With their help, we were walking away to his van in less than 15 minutes.

After dumping the 4 odd bags of goods in Jiemin's van, we had to make a decision on how to see the fireworks display. They pointed out that on their way to Orchard Cineleisure, the traffic was unusually heavy. This could only mean 1 thing : Everybody was rushing into the marina square area to watch millions of dollars worth of amazing pyrotechnics display.

Bus : Out of the question. The entire stretch of Orchard road was jammed as far as we could tell.
Taxi : If we wanted to spend lots of cash doing pointless things, this is an excellent way. The taxi meter would have sent out hearts racing and our brains asking ourselves why the hell are we siting on a cab when we have a van.
Train : Sounds good. 2 train stops, from Somerset to City hall. Shouldn't be too bad.

Verdict : Train. Sounds logical. So we went for it. I sponsered a fresh tab of parking coupons for the parking and we made our way to Somerset MRT station.

That's until we found out the truth. Everyone thought of the same too. The trains were arriving at 7-8 minutes intervals, and were jammed packed with sardines people. Once the train doors slided open at Somerset station, nobody stepped out of the train. The remaining small gaps were what's left over. Jiemin and Xiaohui managed to squeeze in while Cuiyan and I watched in amazement as the train left without most of the people who had waited with us for the train.

The next train arrived and the same thing happened again. There was nobody stepping out of the train and everyone else couldn't get on. Not giving up, we walked to the last carriage and found a measy gap to squeeze in. Depsite taking more space than the ideal male chinese, I managed to get on the train. Unfortunately, because of my height, I had to make do with a armpit near me.

The lucky part was that the tall guy next to me didn't have BO and nobody farted in train. It would be the most interesting scene should any of the above happened. It would be a very great PR disaster for the poor guilty soul. Anyway, please ignore my overactive simulations of the extremes. The 2 stations trip took us almost 30 minutes to complete. The only time that city hall MRT station was so packed was Christmas eve and New year's eve.

Cuiyanback The obviously photoshop-ed fake pics, but you get what I mean?

While making our way up from basement 3 of the station (South-East platforms)to the basement 1 (control station), I noticed a red spot on Cuiyan's left shoulder. It could mean only 1 thing : She got nailed by a female mosquito ! It really pays to have more attractive human beings around me as the chances of giving a meal to a female pregnant mosquito goes down dramstically. The least I could do is to give her my thanks for taking the bullet for me, at the risk of another dengue infection. So noble of her !

Fast forward story >> We (Cuiyan and I)reunited with Jiemin and Xiaohui. Since nobody could come up with a battle better plan on how to get to see the fireworks, I came up with one.

City hall -> Funan -> KFC take-away -> Padang -> Sit and watch

It's better than trying to walk through city link -> Esplanade -> Die trying to reach there. Almost everyone was doing it. There was no way to reach before 9pm, with take-away dinner and a good spot to watch from. And so my approved plan went through and we ended up 15 minutes early siting on the grass on the Padang. Heng ah, it did not rain earlier and the grass wasn't wet. So it's a KFC pinic dinner @ the Padang, quite special huh?

Dsc_1274 The fireworks started at 9pm to 9.15pm. Very nice. Especially the atmosphere at the padang was great. People were cheering as the firework display proceeded. The ending 5 minutes was a display of various type of golden fireworks. So many firewalks went up in the finale that the night sky was aglow in bright golden light. Then the firework festival ended up with 2 large bangs.

Some quick facts about the Singapore Fireworks Festival 2006

  • 5 August 2006, 2100 hours - Italy (Dynamic City)
  • 8 August 2006, 2100 hours - Singapore (Our City of Colours)
  • 11 August 2006, 2100 hours - New Caledonia (Nature & Mystique / Truly Malanesian)
  • 12 August 2006, 2100 hours - France (Celebration of Life)

Dsc096659,000 rounds of fireworks was fired during the festival. Each display last 12-15 minutes. My father took these photos. My camera skills doesn't exist, so there is no way I can take shots like this.

As the silence came after the last bangs of the fireworks went, the smoke from the fireworks flooded the sky. I say that the PSI level should be around 150-200 at that point of time. That mean's it's time to zao. Hey wait, we have a situation. In order to leave the area, we needed transportation and every mode of public transport was jammed packed.

Xiaohui saved the day by suggesting that we should walk back to somerset. That's a good one I must admit. Since I had no problem walking from Orchard MRT to City hall to Suntec to Bugis, this wouldn't be a problem for me. Well, that's me. And I thought it's a good idea. It would be a no sweat event, burning off the fats off our KFC dinner sounded like a very good idea. So we went for it.

Walkmap_1The blueprint for the journey. At least I got some photoshop skills.

Starting point = The Padang
Destination = Carpark opposite Cineleisure
Ending point = Park Mall ?!!?!

Total distance to be covered = 2.3km
Actual distance covered = 1.25km

What happened ?!?!

Well, after standing for 1/2 a day, Cuiyan's legs couldn't take any more abuse. The first part of the 2.3km hike covered 1.25km, was too exhausting to our ladies. Considering Xiahui's who was similarly turn off by the prospects of walking the remaining distance, we took a break at Olio Dome cafe. Air-conditioning had never felt better ! Ah, the wonders of modern science.

Fast forward the story again >> After drowning our drinks, we took a bus to the destination : The open air carpark opposite Orchard Cineleisure. Jiemin dropped us at our place. Good job ! Thanks Ahmad Jiemin ! That concludes the day.

The statistics

1/50 Bags sold - Many people look look see see but never buy. Sigh.
40/100 Slippers sold - Not too bad but we are out of size for some designs.
??/50 Necklaces sold - Also ok but don't make much from these.

If only we could sell drinks and food. We would have make it rich ! But the organiser's aren't that stupid though.

This concludes the longest blog entry ever on this blog : Bad guys win ! The organiser made the most $$$ by renting the tables, chairs and umbrellas to us.

Sunday, August 6, 2006

Mosquito Alert !

We have a situation here ! If you live near block 418 and 419 at Ang Mo Kio, armed yourself with whatever anti-moquito weaponary possible !

Water1_1The Awakening

While brushing my teeth after lunch on Saturday, I looked out of my kitchen window and saw trouble.

Here is the view of many pre-fab concrete structures for the new utility rooms. Spot the problem yet?

For those who can't figure out what's happening, we are having a upgrading excerise here.

Water2_1 A closer look

Ok, see the rectangular concrete blocks ? They are holding water in them ? Hear about dangerous construction sites breeding mosquitoes ? I have 1 just a stone throw away !!!

These concrete stabs are perfect breeding ground for mosquitoes !

Stagnant water = Blood losses for us

Water3 Look look ! Siao liao lah !

And behold ! I don't want to die yet ! Cuiyan got stabbed by dengue laden mosquitoes some time ago. I don't want to be next.

Hell no !

When i raised the issue with my sister, I realised that nobody knew how long the water has been collecting there. The main issue is the stabs below the top ones, these have protection from the sun and could have collected water too.

It's a Saturday when I am writing this. I got work on weekdays. I go to work earlier than the construction office opening hours and return after the construction closing hours. I don't have their contact number. Doh !

I don't think anyone have place insecticide in the water, nor is there any fish in it. It's a breeding heaven for mosquitoes.

You have been warned. Armed yourself ! Prepare your defences ! Your home is no longer safe !

* Update * 06 August 2006, 2.20am - While i was brushing teeth, I looked out of the kitchen window and, whew, the trailer with the concrete stabs was gone. It has been moved somewhere else. But the danger remains, it could be still nearby......

Killer questions from doc

I got really sick on 2 August, a migraine attack struck me and eventually lead to the compulsory puking in the toilet. So I figure that I to pay a visit to the doc.

At 9.30am, I arrived at the clinic, and picks up queue number 20. The counter staff asked customer 12 to go in. Wow, 8 more to go. The air-con was strong, and I am weak, so I went outside, bought a copy of The Straits Times and waited for my turn.

At 10.15am, I went in to see the doctor. After a series of questions and answers, I was wondering if it's another bad day.

[doc] You are having headaches quite often?
[me] It's probably migraine.
[doc] Did you get s brain scan done before ?
[me] Brain scan ? Why? (WTF, brain tumor har ?)
[doc] It's good to have a brain scan done. (Liew, if it's a tumor, I would have headaches everyday, not just today mah)

-- Fast Forward 5 mins --

[doc] You need a MC right?
[me] *nods* (I don't really need one as my stupid contract doesn't allow me to take medical leaves)
[doc] I will give you MC
[me] Can you take a look at this ? (Points at a blister)
[doc] * Looks at me again * You have a virus infection ! Do you have children at home ?
[me] * feeling strange * No ?
[doc] Wife ?
[me] * Starts to hurt inside, the children he was asking about in the last question probably was for my own children. Hurted even more * Why?
[doc] Well the chicken pox virus has reactivated and I have to put you on medication. I recommend this. * Digs out Acyclovir tablets * You need to take this for 2 weeks to suppress the virus. $1.50 each. You need 4 doses a day, 2 pills per does for 2 weeks.
[me] * Wallet starts hurting too * Eh ok.... * sian *
[doc] I give you a week's first. It will * Start doing mental sums * cost you $84 a week. Is that ok?
[me] Huh ? Ok. * Sinking feeling started *
[doc] Come back in a week to get the next week dose. Here. * Start writing MC * You get 14 days MC.
[me] Thanks. * Super sian, walked out *

-- At counter --

[me] To you accept NETS or credit cards ?
[counter staff] No. We accept cash only.
[me] * Sian * I go draw some cash.

-- Fast forward 5 minutes, I went to ATM and got $100 cash and return for my drugs --

[counter staff] Mr Foong ?
[me] Yeah ?
[counter staff] It's a total of $100.
[me] * Sian, forks out the dough, took the booty and left the clinic *

-- Ending comments --

It's 5 August, Saturday when I wrote this. Acyclovir is indeed effective. The doc solved my medical issues but landed 2 hard punches (got children ? got wife ?) into my sorry heart and another jab in my wallet. I really wish I can use the 14 days MC to rot at home but being in a stupid contract that doesn't allow me to take medical leaves, I can't afford to do that. Since physically I am fine, I went back to work the next day. I don't want to go back to office to see a big mess from the standby guy. Not that I don't like him, but it takes time to get used to the many systems there. Time to seriously looking for a girl friend and a pernament position perhaps ?

Saturday, August 5, 2006

Have your name been banned ?

I read this article yesterday where it says that the Malaysia National Registration Department has banned "undesirable" names for newborns. There is now a list of banned names which basically contains "undesirable" keywords from the various languages such as English, Cantonese, Hokkien, Malay and so forth. Well, that's interesting. There are so many possible variations of "undesirable" names in so many languages, this will be a very long list if it is to be exhaustive.

"My mother named me Ass because my Father died after he saw me for the first time"

Well, it's a common sense that we should give our children nicer names, rather than Ah Kow, Ah Siao etc. It's so many donkey's years ago when people still believe giving a "fierce" name to your children will help them to ward off evil beings and bad luck. Hey wait, let's say I am a nasty evil spirit and I am hell bent to harm you for no good reason other than passing time. I wouldn't bother to find out what's your name before I turn your life upside down, inside out and bloat it with misery.

Even Homer Simpson gave proper names to his kids.

Oh maybe it does work but it also attracts unwanted attention from your fellow human beings. Since I believe most of us aren't the target of serious bad luck or evil spirits, the disadvantage of being laughed at by whoever knows your wacky name will certainly be much greater. Fortunately, at least for Singaporeans, you can pay a fee to change your name if you don't like the one given by your parents. Or for the most of us, we just append a Ang Mo name to your name. Chances is that people will remember your Ang Mo name than your dialet name right?

To think of it, having a nicer name did somehow gave Faye Wong a jump start at her career ? Maybe you will like to try out this Chinese name generator. Or you want a Ang Mo name ? Here is a very long list of international Ang Mo names.

However, I still insist on people remembering my dialect name as I don't want to be the generic Vincents, Davids and Jasons on my phone list.

Darn, if only I can find the list of banned names and share with you people. If you can locate this list, please let me know.

Labbit Fanatic P.S -> 阿兔 is still valid as far as I know