Monday, June 19, 2006

What to do to make kids behave themselves ?

Can't get your kid/nephew/niece/etc to behave themselves? Tried everything and nothing seems to ever work? In the land of the free, where some parents who fed their kids pills because of "learning disability" due to "short attention span", their desperate measures now includes electrical shocks.

Apparently, a Massachusetts school in US, used electric shocks to shock their students into falling in line. Below is an exempt of the report.

"Many of the students observed at JRC were not exhibiting self-abusive/mutilating behaviors, and their IEPs had no indication that these behaviors existed. However, they were still subject to Level III aversive interventions, including use of the GED device. The review of NYS students' records revealed that Level III interventions are used for behaviors including 'refuse to follow staff directions', 'failure to maintain a neat appearance', 'stopping work for more than 10 seconds', 'interrupting others', 'nagging', 'whispering and/or moving conversation away from staff', 'slouch in chair', as well as more intensive behaviors such as physical aggression toward others, property destruction and attempts to hurt/injure self."

Full report here.

An article on the issue here.

Personally I believe this is really bad parenting and for education providers to use the lazy way out : through the use of force to get pre-adults to behave, is really deplorable. The school now feels more like a prison camp, or even a concentration camp for the kids. Instead of solving the problems which the young ones are facing while growing up, the problems are suppressed. This looks more like a short term solution and is set for a disaster in the making.

If this continues, the kids will probably grow up thinking it's the right way to teach their kids. Stripping whatever rights and dignity of their children to make their own life easier is right. Or better yet, it's another Columbine in the making. So much for the land of the free. Laziness have it's limits, people. The parents can't be bothered to discipline their own children, so did the educators. Wow. How about using a condom next time ?

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