Thursday, December 28, 2006

Singapore Offline

Most of us probably didn't know that a earthquake that registered 7.6 on the Richter scale struck Taiwan on Tuesday 1.47am. We probably wouldn't care until we notice that nothing that requires internet access seems to work anymore. So in the morning, as a unsuspecting Singapore wakes up to the new reality, shrieks of horror and confusion echoed through the island when the dread PAGE NOT FOUND errors flooded every monitor screen on the island.

6 of the big fat pipes used by our Internet Service Providers were not operational. The earthquake didn't just shake and destroyed southern Taiwan. It went about breaking the optical fibers in several places laid around the sea near Taiwan. Apparently, nobody noticed this right after the earthquake because we were busy snoring away. Then came office working hours. At 8am, the Internet feels sluggish. By 9am, it was so bad that international Internet access gave up the ghost and responded with timeouts instead of our cherished World Wide Web. The demand for bandwidth caused the remaining surviving optical cables to buck under the heavy load.

Then the great Singapore Offline begins. Everything powered by the Internet twisted got out of shape, gave a long whine and finally drop dead altogether. Our reliance on the Internet was apparent in moments. Even the most resilient email timed out and got lost in cyberspace.

"Foong ! My MSN and yahoo doesn't come ah ?"
"Reuters cannot update ..."
"Is Internet down ? When will it be up ?"
"Why no email ? Cannot be that I don't get emails leh"

IP phones dropped dead. Emails got lost in time outs. WWW yielded "PAGE NOT FOUND". Pushmail devices fell quiet. Traders couldn't submit their bids nor check the market status. MMORPGs players couldn't kill anything online. Youtubers couldn't get their fix. And the list went on. The digital silence was maddening.

The consolation prize is that locally hosted sites were still available. Unfortunately, our Singaporean content on the Internet is a measly tiny but compared Singapore and Japan.
Oh well, just cross your fingers that this doesn't happen too often.

Monday, December 11, 2006

The growing up, and the growing old

The growing up, and the growing old

The inevitable change in my family is here, and will be here for good. I feel that I can no longer trust my parents' ability to make decisions for our family or even themselves. As the years makes its relentless toll on all of us, I started to lost faith in their judgment, decision and problem solving skills.

  • Insufficient information input from sound channels
    Lousy friends, hearsay, market aunties and uncles, misinformation, misleading/misunderstanding reports from media -> Bad information sources. Their sources are frequently as good as they are. The /ignore + /kickban type. Cannot withstand further scrutiny.
  • Poor logic flow, faulty reasoning
    If you draw a flow chat, things don't connect, breakage everywhere, infinite loops and all hell break loose. Being trained as a programmer, it's easy for me to see deadends and loops.
  • Inconsistency
    Double/Triple standards, moving goal posts, changing their facts and statements to fit the situation.
  • Reliance on guts feeling instead cold hard facts
    To me, it's as good as random generator. Will you choose a monkey to drive a school bus packed with overgrown gorillas ?

  • Refusing to believe that they can be wrong
    Finding it hard to admit mistakes, intolerant to the fact that the kids are pointing out their flaws
  • Leaving things to fate
    Certainly not my style. Being passive will rather you a punch bag, a magnetic dart board and most importantly, nobody will respect you and just have their way with you
  • Meek, fear of authority, afraid of trouble
    Their lack of education leads them here. Their lack of proficiency in the English language makes everything impossible to understand for them. So fear the government ! The pen is mightier than the sword ! The English text all over the place is so scary ! I don't blame them. It is just as scary as my visits to Malaysia when there are no English or Chinese words around.
  • Afraid of external negative impressions for their own failures
    Children telling the parents what to do is bad. Worse still if people get wind of this. Why can't they be proud of it instead? I will be a very impressed and proud father when my kid offers me a good explanation and suggestions.

So I tried 3 approaches

  1. Try explaining
    As the years go by, their ear wax seems to have thicken as well. I can spend time standing there explaining how to do things in the proper manner. But the next moment, they screw things up because they aren't listening. Wasted my time.
  2. Try giving simple instructions
    They refused to listen, do things their own way and screw things up. When seeking an explanation for their failure, it goes back to approach 1.
  3. Screw it. Let them perish on their own
    Being in the same family, their failures will also affect us. Maybe it's time to take the hard way out. Which brings us to point 3a and 3b ...
    3a) Seize control of the family
    Nothing to gain, not interested, waste of time
    3b) Start my own family, ignore the current family
    Actually, I am interested in this one. Interested parties please email me.

Nothing vex me more on their brutal refusal of the reality quicksand they are standing on. Most frequently heard crap ...

  • I am your [mother/father] and I know what's right (They don't)
  • I know what to do (and actually they are clueless)
  • Don't tell me what to do (and continue to screw up)
  • If we can raise you up, there will be no problem this time (I am actually amazed that despite their apparent missteps throughout my life, I am still here, alive and kicking)
  • Start raising voices, then claim that you are rude to them (Desperate face saving move)
  • Try to divert to another topic, refuse to come back to the point even if it's totally off track (Smoke bomb tactic)
  • Why change, this works before ... (The world moves on without you then)

Their ego and image as the perfect parent is so important, so much more than doing things right, and it ends up making themselves into fools.

So I told my sisters some years back that...
"Our parents are not making sense as we are growing older"

A couple of months ago...
"I think our parents stops making sense already"

And yesterday night, I told them that...
"You can safely ignore them will I say so"

They can get hyper worried over situations, which I took minutes to resolve and settle. I really find it hard to understand why they have to procrastinate so much even when I offer them the solution and my help.

Like it or not, the tide will change as reality sets in.

Money = Power

As the breadwinners, the children will eventually gets the last say in the important decisions in the family. Nothing works without money nowadays.

Despite all the parents bashing above, I still love them. I don't need much from them, just cooperation is all I ask for. I will try to respect them but regaining the lost respect is really hard. Hopefully they don't screw up something major and give us (the children) long term problems.

Thursday, November 16, 2006

The Devil on the train

Seen inconsiderate people on our train system ? Ever wonder what to do with them ? What is a world class transportation system with 3rd world behavior ?

Try the Devil's 101 guide to subway mayhem ! Follow my lead and make life hell for those who dare to oppose me !

  1. People rushing in, and start pushing you in before you can step out of the train
    I elbowed and push people OUT of the train whenever that happens. I didn't care if I stepped over their shoes and legs. They deserve it.

    I want to get off the train and they dared to block my way and push me back? No way !

  2. While walking out or into the train, some moron just cut in front of you causing you to lose your balance to avoid the moron.
    I quitted trying to avoid these morons. I simply continue my steps and walked over their legs and shoes.

    There was once when I was walking into a train at Yishun with my sister when a mother pulled her daughter into the train, cutting into our paths and nearly caused by sister to fall if I had not grab her to safety. I was boiling with anger so much that I almost tried to push the mother OUT of the train as the door closed behind us. The only thing that stopped me was that I have to check my sister for injuries. From then on, I vowed to take only cab for public transport whenever I travel with my sister.

  3. People pushing you aside while they attempt to take over the spot you are standing on while there is still space nearby. They just want your spot.
    During the next acceleration or deceleration of the train, especially at the stations, "lose" your balance and give the bugger a big shove with the butt. Keep repeating this until they move to another area.

  4. The sleeping beauty sitting beside you insists on taking extra space and leaning on you despite the fact that the person is not completely sound asleep.
    I will fold my arms, so whenever the person leans towards me, the person will be elbowed. Also put up your legs so whenever the person's leg comes too close, the person will get a free sole print of my shoes. Only exceptions for this is if the person is a babe.

  5. Moron blocking the door when they can either step out of the train or move into less crowded area at every stop.
    Say excuse me, push gently and if the person refuses to move, disregard the person's feelings and rush out. Elbow, push, step over the legs and shoes if needed. There was once when another fellow passenger felt the same way too. We rushed out of the train , sandwich the moron who chosed to stand in the middle of the door and crush him between us. His bag flew and we didn't bother to look back.

  6. You gave up a seat for someone who needs it, and some idiot have to rush in to fill up the seat.
    Tell the moron nicely that the seat is for the needy. If the moron persists, start saying degrading comments that will embrass even the moron's dead ancestors until my desired is fulfilled.

    I had to do it once to a woman. She pretended not to hear my nicely placed words and made me do it. I annoyed the hell out of her until she stormed off. The old lady felt paiseh but I didn't care less. I will meet my objectives no matter the cost.

  7. Some moron chosed to sit in the middle of the train or near the opening doors when the train is already jammed pack.
    Step over them through "accidents" during train accelerations and decelerations. Use the heels and soles. Before they complain, respond with "Why you sit here har ??!"

I got nothing against kids running around on the train and swinging at the poles. I did it when I was a kid, and it's fun. These are kids and I don't expect much from them. But the adults are different. If they can disregard your safety, feelings and pain, I will gladly return the favour. Since I don't have time to lecture these morons, I will cause them the same ill feelings, pain and possible danger to their safety as they will have inflict on me.

During my observations, I found that men are more likely to give up their seats then women as soon as they spotted a needy person. Some women simply pretend not to see, hear or close their eyes when a needy person is spotted. I glad to see plenty of gentlemen around but the absence of graceful ladies is disturbing. Being tired is a very bad reason for hogging a much needed seat for those in need.

Most often, those who needs the seats are too paiseh to ask for a seat. When that happens, I will have to do the dirty work : be the asshole who ask the young adult to give up their seat on behalf of the needy. Most do, so you just have to ask. The level of empathy in Singapore is almost hopeless. So someone have to take the lead, and that starts with you.

What NOT to do if you are a burglar

What NOT to do if you are a burglar

Please don't do this if you ever plan to break into a convenience store.
Brought to you by Devil's 'O' Vision, click here to watch this incredibly stupid moron in action.

The Life Science Dilemma

The Life Science Dilemma

For those who haven't stick their head in the sands for the last few years, you should be aware of the Singapore 政府's push for life science. Touted as the next big thing after the last mega push, Information Technology, our 小 Lee decided that we should embrace this expanding field with open arms. And so we got our Biopolis built for SGD$500,000,000, kar-po the world's leading bio-tech scientists (I am presuming that some are stem cells researching who are pissed off from US virtual banning of stem cells research) and what do you know ? We are starting to do bio-tech research and manufacturing medicine !

The educational system, anticipating a demand for life science grads, came up with degrees, diplomas and various certifications in the Life Science field. All things looks pretty rosy from the outside, but somewhere along the way, something don't adds up.

A majority of the students were expecting lab jobs to be available to them after they graduates from their studies. Afterall, who will not be interested in finding the next wonder cure for some deadly diseases ? My youngest sister, who is now studying at ITE college east (Simei) for her Higher Nitec in Biochemical Technology cert certainly will like to.

As the evil man I have always been, I began to cast doubts on her choice of career in life science. Here are some of the current perceptions of life science which I have doubts in.

The Devil's Life Science FAQ !

  1. Can always find a lab job after graduating lah !
    Did anyone actually ask the senior students who have entered the workforce ? My older sister did. Her friend got a local degree, but ended up as a salesman selling biotech equipment.

  2. But at least can wash test tubes right ?
    There are degree holders pressing buttons on the machines to wash the test tubes. And the positions are all filled up. ITE cert? Not a chance !

  3. Then what can i do so that I can do research work in a lab ?
    Get a PhD ? The foreign companies wants PhD holders to lead research. The underlings are aplenty, so it's hard unless you suck really hard to get yourself into lab work in your degree course, it's really hard. Unfortunately, Singapore doesn't seems to produce much PhD holders, if any at all.

  4. Cannot be no job mah ! So many companies out there ! They put in a lot of many into this !
    The labs cost alot of money. The leading researchers also cost a bomb. The researches cost a good fortune overall. But the lab tech jobs are so few and lowly paid compared with their peers. Unlike the last push for IT, there are vast differences in the 2 industries. Life science is a case of lots of money into a small pool of people while IT is hell of alot of money into a large pool of people. Every company needs a IT team, but not a bio-tech guy. The comparison starts here and will only concludes that bio-tech doesn't seem like what it is being advertised as. Even after the dot-com burst, companies know the importance of IT. So the IT industry lives on and evolves.

  5. I want to be there ! It is a growing field and it should make more $$$ !
    Most degree holders don't make even $2000. ITE certs and diploma holders ? Tough luck. I seriously doubt that you might even get employment in the related fields. Maybe a salesman or manufacturing guy ?

  6. But 政府 says one !
    Well, they kept mummed during the dot-com burst. Let's cross our fingers.

  7. I can do the sai-kang and wait till i get the position i want !
    I don't think that will happen and when you see your peers out-stripping your pay check several times over a couple of months, you will think again.

And a few days back, my youngest sister told me that she have received an attachment posting to a company-that-shall-not-be-named located in Jurong. Wow, that's good ! Some experience will be good ! But the kicker came when she revealed that she will not be getting a dime during the attachment period. Not a single cent ?! What kind of cheapskate company is that ? Students typically get $400 to $1000 during attachments !

Of course they questioned their school. The reason for this sorry situation is that the several companies that they got the attachment opportunities from are unwilling to pay for the first batch of ITE students because they are unproven and of questionable quality. This is outrageous, so much for a sector with positive outlook ! The first batch of IT students didn't get this kind of treatment !

If I were in the companies involved, I will do this year after year for free labour ! Why pay $2000 for a degree holder to wash test tubes when you can have hordes of eager ITE students to do the same - for FREE !

And if I were the student, it's time to bail out and switch course when I go for my diploma or degree.

Well, my youngest sister is not buying my argument. We shall see.

Check out this article from Today too. Good read.

update 12/01/08 : My sister finally landed a job at a food company for $1500 as an assistant.

Wednesday, November 1, 2006

The Sinking of Japan (Nihon chinbotsu)

The Sinking of Japan (Nihon chinbotsu) (2006)
(Trailer available here)

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This is a remake of a film of the same name (1973), based on a novel by Sakyo Komatsu. The story is about Japan sinking into the ocean. The science behind this is highly plausible, given the super short time it took to happen : 338 days !? Ignoring the science as I did in The day after tomorrow and The Core, it's a great disaster movie to watch. Hey, Japan sits in the ring of fire, on 4 tectronic plates no less, so this can happen right ? Right ?? It helps when I am a great fan of disaster movies. Killing puny humans with the wrath of nature is really great entertainment, so long it doesn't happen to me in real life.

But well, the movie is great, the CG is hollywood quality, nothing looks fake, and it did not waste time at all. The first scene is a volcanic eruption with the female lead, Reiko Abe, swinging in to save the lucky clueless bastard, Tsuyoshi Kusanagi who was in turn, trying to save a little girl, Misa.

As in The Core, we got a scientist, Takamori, to explain the situation to the Japan government. Instead taking 5 years (that's fast) to slide into the pacific ocean as predicted by the yankees, bacteria in the crust produced methane gas which acted as a lubricant and accelerated the sliding process. So it's just 338 days to the total distruction of Japan ! This must be sweet vengence for all the atrocities Japan had committed during WWII !!! If we can't have the beautiful race queens and babes during many of their trade shows, they aren't allowed to have any either !

As the sliding into total destruction progresses, every volcano on Japan erupted, seas boiled, fissures appeared everywhere, mega tsunami swept and the air looks like Silent Hills with PSI in the thousands. The Japanese prime minister (hair style looks like Koizumi's) got blew out of the air while flying over a erupting volcano spectcularly.

Without leaking the entire storyline, here are some interesting thoughts I got in my head while watching the movie. You will need to watch the movie to understand these :

  1. Can you get so many drilling ships to gather, drill holes in the ocean floor, and plant "N2" explosives at a moment's notice?
  2. N2 is a fictional explosive that is almost as powerful as an nuclear device. Wow, the only thing I can think of that can do so is a non-existance anti-matter bomb.
  3. Tsuyoshi Kusanagi actually denied Reiko Abe in heat ! Even when he knew that he will have absolutely no chance to continue his family line at all after the night. Didn't his father thought him the importance of the family line ?
  4. The chain explosion caused by N2 explosives broke the stressed tectronic plates into 2, and prevented Japan from sinking further. That should generate a massive Tsunami that would have sunk Japan anyway, and do it's rounds in the pacific region. But well, every disaster movie needs a happy ending.
  5. Godzilla did not appear to save the day, nor migrate to China.
  6. If there is really so much methane gas in the crust, Japan should have long detect the massive deposits and pumped them out as fuel for it's enormous energy needs. Why wait for it to become lubricant for the sinking of Japan ? Sell it to the Chinese or the Yankees !
  7. In many scenes in the movie, despite the heavy volcanic ashes and smoke, not many people are covering their noses. Very unlikely to happen if it's for real.

Sunday, October 22, 2006

BBQ @ East Coast Park

BBQ @ East Coast Park, 21 Oct 2006

Firstly, thanks to everyone who made it to the BBQ.

Sorted in order of arrival...the people who showed up

Helen, Darren (Helen's hubby), Desmond, Dawn (Helen's colleague), Karen, Jiahui, Jiawei, Meifeng, Cuiyan, Qinwei, Shimin (My youngest sister), Jiemin & Xiaohui (Jiemin's GF).

As usual, everyone is habitually late. Things didn't exactly went as planned as usual. Desmond bought a new type charcoal that burns cleanly and the water dispenser that did not materialise, but hey ! The PSI (84 average) wasn't too bad and it didn't rain.

There was also this great evening sea breeze till 7pm that gave us a hard time getting the fire going. But once the fire reached the critical self-sustaining point, it was a smokeless fire. The aweful BBQ syndrome (the smell on your clothes) was missing, good riddance ! That's thanks to Desmond's lucky choice (or rather no choice), we had more people around the fire than at the table. The high carbon charcoal burns cleanly without smoke and soot, which will from now on, replace the cheap end of the mill charcoal we are used to.

Hopefully, the new menu suited everyone's taste. I have drew up the food menu with inpirations, or rather copy & paste from the Hawaiian BBQ now at Turf City. Throw in a couple of all-time favorites while doing the last minute shopping at Carrefour Suntec City (Helen, Darren, Jiemin, Xiaohui, Desmond) on Friday, we got the new and improved menu which cost only $12.50 per head. The sore missing all-time favorite was Otah.

Our 3 Ds-cooks (Darren, Desmond and Dawn) did a good job, so I didn't get a chance to make the food inedible aka charred. Kudos to Desmond, Darren and Helen for marinating the meat till the wee hours of 1.30am on Friday after the exhausting shopping spree. We have never been more glad to ditch the almost unused bottle of BBQ sauce we have bought. We no longer have to take the lazy way out : to put BBQ sauce on every single piece of meat.

And we shall not forget Jiemin's contribution of a tub of margarine and Xiaohui's laden for the drinks.


Some happenings :

For those who didn't know, Jiawei is now in NIE, training as a Chinese teacher. Mrs Seah will be so proud !

Desmond's tried to launch light sticks ICBMs at me while I was taking a stroll on the beach. But the he ended up getting a earful from 2 ladies near where I was standing when his ICBMs were proven to be as accurate as Mr Kim's made-in-North Korea missles. All 3 strayed off-target by 5 to 8 metres.

For those who didn't hang around till the end, Jiemin made an annoucement that he will be ROMing in the morning on the 24th December 2006. That's a fast whirlwind romance, really fast boy. Time to prepare Ang Bao for his customary wedding, I know he plans to hold one.


The night went well. All looks good, and not much food got wasted. Everyone was tired and some of us have to work on Sunday so we called it a day at 12 midnight. As good citizens, we cleaned up the place before we zao.


As time goes on, it became apparent that I should call these gatherings TGPS class gatherings anymore. In this case, we have 4 non-classmates (34% of turnout) and the group who usually turned up is pretty much the same. Using the current name alienates the new friends we have, and I believe we should expand this group of friends. As such, please think of a new name for this, as "Jiakhang's & friends gathering" sounds so lame.

Oh please contribute some Ang Kong as I did not take any during the BBQ

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Hollywood's misuse of technological breakthroughs is pissing me off

Hollywood's misuse of technological breakthroughs is pissing me off

Hollywood's main job is to entertain us, and very often, new devices are featured in movies. Assuming the device worked as Hollywood advertised, by breaking as many as the known laws of the universe as required to make it work, I find it really hard to believe that the main character in the movie ......


...... If only I can lay my hands on the device !!!!!!

Here's some examples

In Click, Adam Sandler plays Michael Newman who is a architect who overworked himself for promotion and ultimately, as a business partner in his job. Ignoring the fact that he can be such a bastard to Donna Newman (Kate Beckinsale) aka the hot babe in PVC suit in Underworld, he displayed supreme stupidity when he got a universal remote control which does a couple of amazing things which affects the things around him.

  1. Mute, or change volume of target object to Adam
  2. PnP (Picture in picture view) of the world to Adam
  3. Rewind to any part of Adam's life and play it back like a video
  4. Fast forward himself or an object by going on auto-pilot mode
  5. Pause the world and makes changes to it

And guess what, he is a complete moron to use the Fast forward button most frequently. It's is a complete waste of a device which is really a god-send. Instead of fast-forwarding, he should be pressing the pause button ALL the time !

By pausing time, relatively to the rest of the universe, you can do so much more in the same period of time ! Having infinite time will be so godly, just think about it ! Every single button on the remote is god-like powers !

The Prestige

Robert Angier (Hugh Jackman) and Alfred Borden (Christian Bale) were rival magicians whose intense competition ends up with Robert Angier winding up with Tesla's special creation for him : A device which can duplicate anything !!!!!!

The only catch is that the duplicate can appear anywhere within a couple of metres from the original to a hundred metres or so. No big deal, can always work around that, especially when the same duplicated item always ends up at almost the same spot as the hats and cats have shown at Tesla hideout. Instead of abusing the device, Tesla gave it away to Robert Angier, who in turned used it for entertainment...and killed himself everyday in the process.

The device can duplicate stuff right ? The most obvious thing is to duplicate $$$ !!!!!!! As a dumb cash-strapped scientist in the movie, he failed to literally make his own money. You can duplicate money, gold, diamonds, anything precious or valuable and he gave it away. He had to cheat Robert Angier for fundings and he couldn't think of it? I am totally stunned. Hey he is so broke that he have to provide his services to his host town for his lab electricity bills. With infinite cash, he can have his own nuclear plant to duplicate even more $$$ !!!!!!

He is a complete moron !!!!!!

Arrrgghhh Hollywood script writers are taking me as an idoit !!!!!! I want to be rich and rule the world ! Haaahaaa give me the remote or duplicating machine you dumbass !!!!!

... got carried away

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Jia Khang the blur king

Do you read your bills ? I don't. And when i do, I do it because I have to. I just GIRO linked all my bills and make sure I got $$ to pay for them.

Andy, my Product Manager told me that my mobile claim was rejected because the accounts folks wants to see both pages of my mobile bill. You see, Singtel's mobile bills comes in 2 pages, printed on 2 sheets of paper.

Or I thought it still is, until this morning.

At 7.30am in the morning, 10 October, Tuesday, no matter how hard I try, I could not find the second piece of the bill which should have my second page of my bill. After digging through my 2004-2006 Singtel phone bill collection, I realised that I do not have the 2nd piece of my bill since 2006.

Until I saw the small print at the bottom of page 1,

Please turn over

Crap, they printed page 2 on the other side of the paper now. Ok, I know.

Sweet Revenge at Pizza Hut

Pizza Hut Dinner @ Thomson Plaza

It's 7th Oct 2006 Saturday, 7.30pm.

After my last lousy experience at Pizza Hut @ Ang Mo Kio, I gave the resturant chain another go at their Thomson Plaza outlet because we are giving our Siew Ling auntie and our lovely cousin a treat.


We ordered a triple chicken fiesta meal with a custom salad. While eating the pizza, we were told that the wrong pizza was sent to us, and we were given the correct triple chicken pizza on top of the 5/8 eaten pizza we have on our plates to make up on it.

Well, that's honest folks at pizza hut ! Honestly, none of us remembered what we had ordered anyway. Add a HSBC credit card discount and it's only $42 nett for a meal for 5. Cheap !

And the pizza is very good. Go get it if you haven't do so yet !

Monday, October 9, 2006

Boredom under the moon

6 Oct 2006, Mid-Autumn Festival Celebration Gathering

This will probably be the last TGPS gathering for this occasion, the 2nd year which we have this event. Many things didn't turn out well, and it's a disaster by any standards.

31 people informed.
16 responded.
6 turned up.

The ugly haze went from 40+ something PSI to 160+ PSI in the same night.
The sparklers didn't sparkle for more that 3 seconds.
People were simply too tired that day.

That's it folks, this is the last Mid-Autumn Festival gathering that I am organising.

Tuesday, October 3, 2006

Screwed Transcab Booking Experience

This is the most screwed taxi booking I have ever made so far, made to Transcab after a birthday dinner with my sisters.

I made a booking for a Transcab at Anguilia Park, Liat towers taxi stand. The booking was confirmed at about 9.45pm and I was told that the cab 5373 will reach in 5 minutes. I don't expect the cab to show up in 5 minutes but after 15 minutes of watching cabs from other taxi operators picking up customers who made taxi bookings after I did, I got pissed.

I am glad that I did, as the operator who took my call said that the cab 5373 did not manage find me at the taxi stand, and left after failing to speak to me on the phone. Hey ! That's new. I didn't even get a missed call or an incoming call on my phone and the operator claimed that the taxi driver tried to call me on the phone. I accepted his doubtful words and got another cab to come instead as it's useless to debate this point. The usual "The cab will be coming in 5 minutes" phrase was used, though it's really hard to achieve in practise. Maybe it's a dumb company policy to do so.

The next cab did show up in 10 minutes, which is reasonable. During conversation on the ride back home with the taxi uncle, he pointed out that the (Transcab) taxi drivers are not able to call customers as they do not have customer's numbers. To contact the customers, they have to do so through the operators. Well Comfort drivers are able to do so, but Transcab can't ?

This clearly shows several points of conflicts. Cab 5373 was supposed to be at the taxi stand, couldn't find me, made a call, failed to get through and left.

  1. Cab 5373 did not came to the taxt stand at all.
  2. The only Transcab that came around were carrying customers already, just passing through.
  3. If cab 5373 is making a call while trying to locate me, I should have seen the cab.
  4. If cab 5373 actually tried to make a call, I should have a incoming call or missed call.
  5. The 2nd taxi driver claimed that drivers do not have customers' contacts, which conflicts with the words of the operator.
  6. Even if the driver do not have the customers' contacts, they should have updated the operator to check the situation, but nobody did anything.

Come on, if you want to lie to me, at least come up with a better story. Either the operator messed up, the first driver screwed up, the operator and the first driver tried to play punk or both the drivers and the operators didn't tell the truth.

My experience with Comfort is positive compared to Transcab. When Comfort can't locate me, the driver can still call me up and make arrangements. Transcab ? Somebody(s) screwed up and everybody keep quiet. Very impressive.

[Deleted Transcab number from phone]

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

The Devil goes on a Sua Gu Road Trip to Malaysia

"Longest blog entry so far ! So many pictures that I have to compile them because of the miserable @#$%* 50 photos per month limit ! More angkongs will be added as soon as I receive them from the other 2 cameras. Please let me know of any inaccuracies or factual inconsistancies."


3 Weeks in the planning...
3 Bored Singaporean Men...and 2 Malaysian Girls
3 Destinations...KL, Genting Highlands, Cameron Highlands
3 Days of fun...


The sua gu Devil goes on a road trip to West Malaysia like a tourist should !

Ya, finally a holiday for the computer doctor, who fix up more computers in a day than typical users do in an entire lifetime. Credits to Jia Lun for the planning and his clearly superior driving skills.


The cast

Jialun and Yongeng are my AMKSS buddies.
Samantha is Yongeng's girlfriend and Qunzhen is Samantha's friend.


Day 0 : T-Minus 14 hours

Well, things didn't went as planned. We did not get the car we thought that we would have rented. We wanted a "matured" car which would not attract too much attention mainly for safety reasons. Jialun told me grimly that our rented car turned out to be a 2 weeks old Chevrolet Optra 1.6. The car rental company couldn't find a car for rental despite our early booking, and Jia Lun had to wait for over an hour for a car which looked suspiciously like a car that just came out from a showroom. They even threw in 1 day free rental into the deal, making this a super sweet deal : SGD$262 for 4 days !

Ok, you might not understand why having a new car would be bad. The main reason is we are really afraid to lose the car to crime and our ability to keep it as new as it was first rented out to us. It's going to be a long trip, and it's going to get real dirty. In fact, we were talking about taking turns sleeping in the car at night, steering wheel locks and using wheel clamps. The upside is that the tires are almost brand new and that would give us a good grip on the road.

A trip to Bishan Junction 8 in the evening to the money changer ends up in failure. They didn't have ringgits to sell us. So we would go by the Causeway and buy some ringgit at Johor Bahru instead.

Day 1 : Singapore -> Johor Bahru -> Kuala Lumpur (Mid-Valley Mall) -> Genting Highlands

Compilation01 Jialun was the main driver for the trip. Well, he is the most experienced among us, especially that it occurs that the best that I can do is to do successful drifts in Daytona 2. Yongeng was the highway expert for the trip, Samantha as the safety officer whenever Yong Eng drove and Qunzhen, who supervises us all by sleeping though most of the time on the road. I was to be the financial controller. Heng ah, everyone was very cooperative during the entire trip.

We started off at 6am, and made it past Johor customs by 8am. After a quick visit to the money changer, we took the North-South expressway towards the north.

After a short ride after the first toll plaza, we arrived at the first R&R stopover. As this stopover is the nearest to Johor Bahru, the array of stalls and shops are greater than most of the regular stopovers.

Malaysia just celebrated their national day on 31 August, hence their flags were flying proudly at every stopover we encountered.

Many cars on the road also sported miniature flags flying on the side of their wind screen. It's many more than what I saw on Singaporean cars. Talking about supporting your own country by flying your own flag on your car ? Malaysia wins this round. A kiasu driver was seen with 3 flags flying on his windscreen in Kuala Lumpur.

We got our breakfast there, and top up our 2 weeks old Chevrolet Optra 1.6 to full tank with cheap 1/2 priced petrol goodness. That's MYR$65 for half a tank, subsidised fuel is cheap.

Compilation02Along the way, we saw a group of Malaysian Yamaha bikers. They were in a convoy wearing bright orange safety shirts. They had shepherd riders for additional safety and organisation.

Before we reached the Melaka border, there was a long stretch of straight road. The temptation to speed was in the air. The drivers who could not resist stepping on the gas (read : Singapore drivers) were promptly pulled over after about another 15 mins ride. The Johor traffic police had set up a speed trap and ensnare the drivers who overtook us at 160km/h to 180km/h previously.We were left alone by the traffic police, heng ah !

The next stopover is about 200km away, which is a in the state of Melaka, approximately 10am when we reached there. It's a bridge with shops, a KFC and A&W.

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QunzhenAfter awaking our sleeping beauty Qunzhen who was armed with inflatable pillow, ear plugs and blindfolds (impressively prepared for the journey), we made our way to the A&W resturant that I had long to visit.

We bought double root beer floats, double scoop waffles, and onion rings. Reliving the good old days of A&W dining was really nice. It's such a pity that A&W had to withdraw from the Singapore market in 2003. The nearest A&W resturant to Singapore is at Carrefour Johor Bahru, a die-die cannot miss destination on every personal trip I went on.

Compilation03_1Mid-Valley mall, a 5 storey shopping mall with 430 shops. As true blue tourists, we hor-lan for 30 minutes before we reach the oddly situated mall. It's located in-between a maze of roads and expressway, which was really confusing to navigate through.

We actually went passed the building without realising it on the first pass. After navigating through a series of seemingly misplaced and mislabelled roads, we managed to arrive at Midvalley Mall and parked in the wrong carpark in the office tower instead of the main carpark. Samantha had a lunch arrangement with her parents who lived in Cheras. Yongeng as her boyfriend, had to accompany her. Qunzhen did decided to tag along with the couple, so Jialun and I paired up and roam the shopping centre till 4pm.

If you like Singapore shopping centres, this is almost a exact replica of out typical shopping malls. Food Junction ? Bread Talk ? Carrefour ? Guardians ? Watsons ? Starbucks ? Kenny Roger ? WTH ?!?! If not for the fact that we were paying in ringgits, I would have thought that I was still in Singapore. Deja vu again.

After drowning in a cup of kopi 冰 and munching on a cheese hotdog (read: Meal 3 of 5), our group gathered at the south court to continue our drive to Genting Highlands. We have never felt more relieved to see our car still blissfully parked in the lot. Samantha's parents led us our of the maze of roads towards the Sungai Besi toll plaza. And so the 2nd part of the journey began.


We got stuck in slow traffc along the road leading to Karak highway. It's frustrating because we are suppose to check in by 6.30pm. As we drove near the mountains, we could see fog running down the mountains, which is a good thing. We did expect the weather at Genting to be cool, so this was a good sign. Shortly after passing through the Sempah tunnel, the evening fog got much thicker. It is a good thing that the car have sufficient power to take us through all 3 of the steep ascents towards the resort. We arrived at 6.40pm, just in time to check in to our super cheap SGD$20 (min 3 days) a night police-force subsidised apartment @ Ria Apartments.


Some random facts :

  • The new cable car (Genting skyway) is pretty lame. It starts only somewhere from the 1/2 way point towards the resort. What's the point?
  • The packaged food like the Mister Potato became balloon because the air pressure difference caused the air inside the packaging to expand.
  • The double deck beds frames are made of metal, and they squeaked whenever someone tossed in their beds.
  • The night was noisy as vehicles rev hard at the final steep ascent near crandle rock.
  • There is no air-conditioning. (Of coz, that's the whole point)
  • There is no heating too. (Not cold enough?)
  • The steam coming from the hot water we used to bath caused the whole toilet to fog. (Bathing in the clouds feeling)
  • We did not use the kettle to boil the tap water as they look yellowish. So we boiled bottled water instead as it's cold.
  • There are touts at the driveway of the Ria hotel who would "assist" you in getting a room for a fee.
  • Although the legal limit on the north-south express way is 110km/h, 140km/h is still tolerated, but 160km/h and above will yield a ticket.

Compilation25_1At 7.45pm, we made our way to the Genting resort. grabbed a quick meal at a hawker centre which looked suspiciously like a cook house (meal 4 of 5), and went to the outdoor theme park. I used to have acrophobia and motion sickness, so the 3 roller coaster rides sounded very much like a serious challenge for me. We took the most 凶 looking ride first, which came with a 360 degree upside down loop and a series of cockscrew spins. Qunzhen took the opportunity to scream out loud during the ride, which began as the train started the vertical climb and after the braking section near the end of the ride. The ride turned out to be quite short and no kick. My prediction that I would freak out and puke all over the place turned out to be a joke. The second roller coaster ride confirmed this new found fact that my fear of heights has almost completely vanished. After playing a few more rides, the theme park shutted down for the day, much to our disappointment.

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It's nice to dream abit

Next, we visited the nearest casino at Resort hotel. I have never been to a casino before, so it's my first time. The visions of grand casinos from the scenes from 双天至尊 series and Ocean 11 quickly degenerates into reality. It's just a hall full of tables and jackpot machines. The most popular games are the jackpot machines and the roulette tables.

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Nobody was doing this...sigh

The girls decided to stay at the 大小 table, which Yongeng and I joined in later. Jialun got bored and went back to the apartment to sleep. At the end of the night, the girls won a total of MYR$60, Yongeng lost MYR$10 and I won MYR$50. The formula of doubling your bet whenever you loss and resetting to the minimum whenever you win actually appeared to work ! While making our way back to the Ria apartments, we stopped over at a lok lok stall for supper (meal 5 of 5 for the day). The night was really cold. A hot water bath never felt better.


Day 2 : Genting Highlands -> Cameron Highlands

Compilation06At 8am, we checked out of Rias apartment and made our way to Cameron Highlands, about 3 hours away. While packing up, Jialun accidentally crushed Yongeng's specs which was lying on the bed and shattered 1 of the plastic lens completely. That's something new, plastic lens can still shatter ! The $400 titanium frame survived, proving it's worth.

Our downhill racer driver was Takumi Jialun in his AE86豆腐车 Chevrolet Optra 1.6. The descent started after we fed the Optra. In order to conserve our brakes, which could glow red hot and fail when excessively used, Jialun decided to use The Long Forgotten : Not-So-Secret Engine Braking Technique for most of the descent.

The roads have been greatly improved since the last time I had came to Gentings in 1995. Clearly, they took safety seriously after the many accidents and landslides in the past.

The road is in good condition, safety barriers in place, and stop pits have been constructed at sharp bends.

Our ace driver overtook a slow poke as we engine braked towards the base of the mountain at 40km/h.

Braking can cause the disc brake to glow red-hot due to the heat generated from friction. The brake will suffer from brake fade and eventually fails when it warps and deforms.

Near the base of the mountain, just before the rapid mountain climbs, there is a stretch of shop houses and resturants which we picked one of it for breakfast. We ordered RM$82 worth of tim sum, 肉骨茶 and E-mee. It was also the first "proper" meal so far. Not too bad, considering it cost us only SGD$10 per person, which can only buy us a measly meal at a resturant.

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BaskinrobinsAlong the expressway towards Ipoh, we took a break at a stopover. There is a Baskin Robins ice-cream resturant there, and we decided to top up our stomach there. While choosing the flavours of ice-cream for my 2 scoops waffle bowl, Qunzhen had already sampled 7 mini-scoops of ice-cream from the salesman ! Slow ! So slow ! By the way, Baskin Robins have exited the Singapore market several years ago, as A&W had.


We took the new road to Cameron Highlands near Ipoh. Although it's longer by distance but it's a lot easier to drive on as the road is still new until the cramp and worn out old road. Cameron Highlands is a series of mountains and valleys, and our destination was a stretch of road which links 3 the main towns together (Tringkap, Brinchang, Tanah Rata).


We arrived at 1pm at our first town,Tringkap, where the Rose Valley is (something like botanic gardens on a hillside with a MYR$4 entry fee). There is are also flower farms around the area and shops selling honey, flowers, strawberries (and its derivatives), cactus, and vegetables. Later during the trip, we realise that the stalls at Cameron Highlands typically sold a combination of the items previously listed. It get's old quickly.


Our next destination was the Boh Tea estate. The road to the estate was nothing short of a serious challenge to our uphill racer driver, Keisuke Jialun in his Mazda RX-7 Chevrolet Optra 1.6. The road could barely fit 2 vehicles side by side and have many blind corners which our uphill expert had to sound the horn regularly to alert unseen incoming vehicles. A single mistake would have sent us diving in the valley. Of course, our skilled driver took us to the Boh estate and back in one piece, or else, you should be really be afraid of what's writing this blog.

The Boh estate cafe has a nice view of the valley. I wasn't expecting to find a the city quality cafe there, and the Boh tea shop was not your typical boring souvenir shop. The salesmen can speak in good English and have good knowledge of the products they are selling. That's pretty impressive as we were deep in some Malaysian mountains. Not expected and pleasantly surprised. We ended up buying many tins of special blends of tea which were not sold in stores. Later during the trip, this fact was confirmed : The special blends in tins were not sold anywhere else.

As we left the Boh estate, we opted to take the dirt track to the carpark instead of the road. It's wet from the perpertual rain, narrow and steep at some points. But this made it even more fun and exciting.

Our next destination was the mountain top, which is 6km deeper in. We hor-lan abit and had to back track. Thanks to a nice man who told us to follow the long houses with blue roofs, we found the correct way towards the mountain top. But alas, 1km into the journey, we had to abort as the road got progressively steep and narrower. As the road was still wet from rain, and considering that we were driving a new rental car, we had to sadly forgo the mountain top.


We travelled back to the main road and visited the Ee Feng Gu, which is a bee farm just next to the road towards Boh tea estate. The honey bees were pretty friendly and never hostile to us.

ToiletBut unfortunately, Jialun lost his SGD$270 Adidas shades in the toilet. He would have put his hand in if not for the fact that the drain pipe was not connected to a trap. That means the water falls straight downwards into the drainage below along with his shades. This was the most expensive lost ever, also the 2nd specs that had met its untimely end of the day.

Compilation11 As it was nearing 6.30pm, we had to cut short our visit to the Ee Feng Gu and proceed to check-in at Cluny Lodge, which is at Brinchang.

To our surprise, it's a bunglow with 3 floors and a basement. As it was bought over by the Singapore Government and provided as a form of welfare for civil servants, it cost us a measly SGD$60 for 2 rooms a night. It has really nice funishing and is very well maintained.

In fact, it's way better than the Ria apartments @ Genting Highlands. It's on a quiet spot on a hill, nice and cool, nicely decorated. large and spacious ... it's an excellent bargain.

Comes with a garden, and a playground. Photos available on day 3.

After we unload our bags, Jialun went on to clean up the car which had went through thick and thin, mud tracks and highway with us for the 2 days so far.

As Cluny Lodge is situated on top of a hill overseeing Brinchang town, the view is great and air is cool and refreshing.

As it was nearing 8pm, we got ready to move on to Brinchang for our dinner. The plan we made in Singapore was to get steamboat dinner and we made sure that we did so.

We did not have to travel far to get our steamboat dinner fix. As the farms at Cameron Highlands are grow mainly vegetables, our steamboat items are mainly fresh and healthy greens. As it is situated in-between lots of mountains, we can't blame them for giving us
4 small and miserable looking prawns which we threw away anyway. There wasn't much meat, but the girls found extra animal protein on a stalk of vegetables in the form of a snail and a worm. It didn't fit their taste nor does it fit the guys', so we had to forgo the extra protein source.

After dinner, we went to check out Tanah Rata town. Yongeng wanted to his KFC cheese fries ever since we were on Genting, so we asked the waitress at the steamboat resturant if there is a KFC nearby. She gave us false information and we found a Mary Brown instead of KFC to Yong Eng's disappointment. Tanah Rata is by far the largest town among the
3 main towns. There were many small hotels, cafes, pubs and eateries around. We found a optician shop which we spent a while to get Yongeng's specs replaced. The friendly salesman knew his trade well, and got the specs made on the spot instead of making us wait for the next day. That's very good service, as they had to work overtime to do so.

BrinchangAfter we left the optician, we went to a night market for a walk. We had missed the large Pasar Malam which was scheduled on saturday nights though. We shopped around, went back to Brinchang to get some strawberry ice-cream and left for Cluny Lodge to rest for the day.


Back at Cluny Lodge, we feasted on the junk food we had bought. I guess that the mainly vegetable steamboat can't satisfy the canivorous appetites of city folks like us. Despite repeated attempts to spook the girls, I failed to get them to share ghost stories before turning in for the night. Hey we are in a bunglow on top of a hill in the middle of some mountains, very nice back drop for a haunted night out right ? I took a short walk outside for some fresh air, and spent some time staring at the constellation of Orion, waiting for Betelgeuse to go nova in the lightly light polluted sky. Ah, no such luck.


Day 3 : Cameron Highlands -> Johor Bahru -> Singapore

This was the best night we spent so far. The bed was clean and comfortable, the temperature was nice and cool. We had a full 7 hours of uninterrupted sleep, which was a far cry from the night at Rias apartment at Genting Highlands.


Before we left Cluny Lodge, I went around and took some photos of the place. There is a playground which was very much like the ones we used to have in Singapore in the 1990s. Alas, all of these traditional playground equipment gave way to the safe plastic dominated playground we see today. Ah. memories of Singapore playgrounds. The merry-go-round that gave me a couple of bruised knee caps, throwing swings into many 360 spins and launching people into the air on the see-saw. Such were the naughty things that I did. *grins*


Our first stop for the day was Healthy Strawberry Farm, which was along the way to Tanah Rata where we would get our breakfast. It's the first strawberry farm we visited offering us the opportunity to pluck our own strawberries charged by weight. But a visual inspection of the farm told us that the strawberries were already harvested, leaving only small unripen strawberries hanging. We ended up buying an assortment of strawberry products, strawberry jam, dried strawberry, and fresh strawberry.

When we arrived at Tanah Rata town, we tried our luck at at Tanah Rata market. Jialun thought it was a mosque from a distance, and it looked like a wet market cum food centre to me. That's until we got close enough to realise our disappointment. There are only
1 vegetable stall, 1 meat stall, 1 provision stall and 1 food stall. Needless to say, it failed the Singaporean "Got what to eat?" test. We decided to go for the coffee shops along the main road instead, and ended up having Yong Tau Foo for breakfast.

As we decided to use the new road again to exit Cameron Highlands, we visited the Multi-crop centre which is along the way. As expected, honey, flowers, strawberries (and its derivatives), cactus, and vegetables were sold.

You might wonder what do I mean by strawberry derivatives. Well, here is a non-exhaustive list :

  • Strawberry Ice-cream
  • Strawberry Pillows
  • Fresh Strawberry
  • Dried Strawberry
  • Strawberry Jam
  • Strawberry stickers
  • Strawberry drinks
  • Strawberry tarts
  • Strawberry cakes
  • Strawberry candy
  • Strawberry toys

I tried to buy a piece of the honey comb which we were given a free sample of. But the man didn't want to sell it. Sian, got to add honey combs to the list of things money cannot buy. They only supply in bulk to hotels.

Compilation19A little further down the road, we arrived at the vegetable market. This is also the entrance to the Rose Centre.

Yongeng at this point of time had some discomfort in his eyes from the smoke last night, so we left him to guard the car as we took a walk.

Apart than the typical assortment of honey, strawberries (and its derivatives), cactus, and vegetables, we saw a much wider variety of flowers, fresh from the flower farms.

The Rose centre was on the surface of a hill, and didn't look brightly coloured due to flowers from afar. It could only mean one thing. The flowers were already harvested and sold along the streets we were walking on. Hence we decided to abort the Rose centre visit.

[Above] Qunzhen and her new purple hair band which she had bought at the mutli-crop market.

Next we revisited Ee Feng Gu bee farm. This time round, we bought plenty of honey products. My mom had a wish list so I had to spend MYR$160 to fulfill that. We bought hundreds of ringgits worth honey, royal jelly, and pollen like tourist would. The sales ladies must be delighted that their sales pitch worked like a charm.


Last on our list for Cameron Highlands was a revisit to the Rose Valley at Tringkap. Its situated on the face of a hill and we paid MYR$4 to enter each.

Compilation21 Yongeng bought some fresh flowers for the girls which was sold at 6 bunches for MYR$10. It's not very wise to avoid buying flowers for your girl friend when she is looking at some right ?

At 12.40pm, we made our way out of Cameron Highlands. The mountains near Ipoh are granite and limestone mountains, which are being mined.

Guess that sooner or later, we will find the mountains tore down to make cement and limestone for construction. A flatter terrain for Ipoh perhaps.

Ipoh itself have a limestone mining industry, a previously money making tin industry and a rubber industry. There are many limestone caves at Ipoh. The most famous being 三宝洞 and 霹雳洞. If we have extra time, we could have paid a visit to the limestone caves and the many water falls in Ipoh. Ipoh's food is also quite famous. Ah, too bad, maybe next time.

Ipoh is my mother's family hometown. But the haydays is long over for Ipoh. Most of my mother's generation had left for Ipoh better prospects. That explains why she ended up in Singapore.

Compilation22 Our next stopover was in-between Ipoh and Kuala Lumpur. opposite the one we had visited on the way to Cameron Highlands where we had Baskin Robins.

Similar to the opposite stopover, it also have Baskin Robins and Dunkin Donuts besides the standard hawker fare.

This time round, we had chicken rice for lunch. The Malay stall holder could speak in cantonese and chinese too, confirming racial integration is possible. I just don't understand how can racial problems occurs when it's simply better to work together to make more $$$.

I finished my lunch quickly and went to buy the famous made-in-Ipoh junk food which I was hooked on ever since I was young : 鸡仔饼 (sweet and salty) and 萨骑马.

Meanwhile, Yongeng went off to get Dunkin Donuts (6 for RM$10) before we continue our journey. We ate only 3 of 6 donuts by the end of the journey.

Compilation23 The gruesome and brutal journey back to Johor Bahru begun after lunch. We have to travel approximately 600km total from Cameron Highlands to Johor Bahru. In order to save time, we cut short most of the smaller stopovers so we can reach Johor Bahru in 6 hours.

This of course took a toll on our 2 drivers, which was a price to pay for not having a 3rd driver. Ok lah, I know what to do. I will go and get a license next time lah.

Along the way, we saw a convoy of Ah-Gong's vehicles passing us at high speeds. (They have special emblems attached next to their number plates).

We arrived at Johor Bahru at about 7pm, and got to Pekin Resturant near Sentosa for dinner. It's a nice chinese resturant with great food at the cost of coffee shops. We order enough food to fill up 2 tables.

We ordered 豆苗,米粉,蒸鱼,烧鸭,啦啦,铁板豆腐,油条 and 红烧猪排. That's 8 dishes for 5 people ! It's not too expensive too, just MYR$142, approximately SGD$14. That's why I didn't like to eat 煮炒 in Singapore. It's so much cheaper over in Malaysia.

I also learnt from Jialun that if clams aren't open up after they are cooked, it's probably not fresh and should be discarded. I took the liberty to name them 啦啦级品.

Compilation24_2 Before we left for Singapore, we gave our hardworking car the spa treatment as Jialun promised the car rental company. For MYR$8, they handwashed the car and cleaned the interiors. Well, the car rental company did give us a very good deal, and we did feel bad for breaking the previous mileage of the car more than twice over, (or is it 3 times over?) within 3 days.

The carwash was near New York hotel and a disco. The disco is a very happening place, seedy and a trouble prone spot all in one.

After this, we made our way back to Singapore via the causeway. From the moment we cleared the Singapore Woodlands customs, we could feel the expressway lag. The crusing speed on the roads fell from the 140km/h that we had grew acustomed to for the past 3 days, to a leisurely 80km/h. Ah, we didn't want to try our luck with Singapore speed cameras. Besides the speed limit, in comparison with Malaysia, the cars on Singapore roads are generally newer and the street lights are everywhere.

Jialun sent Samantha and Qunzhen back to their Serangoon apartments, before dropping me and Yongeng. Jialun went back to the Sim Ming carpark to try to locate his motorbike which had been parked there for the duration of the trip. All was fine, the bike was still intact, and the bike wasn't stolen a second time. Phew.

Samantha gave me the stalk of pink daisy. At last, it is something different from the typical chocolates that I receive from girls.

This concluded the end of the trip. The next day would be another working day. Back to work, back to reality. Goodbye clean air. Goodbye nice cool weather. Until next time then.


Statistics of the Journey

Mileage - Approximately 1800km

Total cost - SGD$791.93

  • Car rental - SGD$262
  • Toll charges - SGD$61.60
  • Petrol - SGD$148.08
  • Common meals - SGD$146.31
  • Lodgings - SGD$120
  • Outdoor theme park - SGD$41.17
  • Parking - SGD$9.30
  • Others - SGD$3.47

Average cost per person - SGD$158.39 over 3 days. (Excludes personal purchases and losses)

Happy tourists - 3. (2 are Malaysian, so they don't count as tourists)

119 photos and pictures on this blog entry. I should have broken all previous records by my fellow friends who blogs.


[Revision history]
1.0.2 18/09/2006 2300
- Corrected : Qunzhen's name from Quanzhen.
- Added : Yongeng's photos.
- Corrected : Cluny lodge is owned by SG government, not the SG police force
- Corrected : Grammer in text
- Added : Johor-Melaka speedtrap

1.0.1 16/09/2006 2300
- Change to large fonts and added colour for readability

1.0.0 16/09/2006 1800 First complete release

0.0.1 12/09/2006 0703 Incomplete release

Tuesday, September 5, 2006

Belief, idealogy, The White Rose and the Nazis

SOPHIE SCHOLL : THE FINAL DAYS (Sophie Scholl - Die letzten Tage)

On Sunday 03 Sept 2006, I went to see this film which has won rave reviews on IMDB 2 weeks ago. Scoring 8.1/10 on the IMDB is already a feat itself, so I grabbed my die hard war movie buddy, Jia Lun along with me.

As hardcore war movies go, being historical, it is very boring to most. In fact, despite buying tickets at 8.30pm for a 9pm show at Great World City, we still got seats 2nd row from the back. And what's more, there is only 1 show time in 1 theater on the entire island. But as history students back in AMKSS, we share great interest in WWII, so it doesn't matter to us if the whole of Singapore has forgotten about the horrors of WWII. Oh ya, there is no great scenery, beautiful sets, insane fire fights, intense marital arts, 帅哥or 美女 either.

Set in World War 2 Germany, it's not your war standard war movie with bullets flying, men shouting or directors using more gore and violence than ever seen before on the movie screen. In fact, the only weapon that actually killed anyone was a guillotine which was used to execute the 3 members (Hans Scholl, Sophie Scholl and Christoph Probst) of the White Rose non-violent resistance moment of Munich University.

"Munich, 1943: Sophie and Hans Scholl are members of the "Weiße Rose" (White Rose), a resistance group against the Nazi regime. When the siblings lay out fliers at the university, they are caught by the caretaker who calls the Gestapo. After their imprisonment, they are interrogated for days. In the beginning, Sophie manages to bluff the questioning official Robert Mohr, but Hans finally confesses everything. Now Sophie vindicates her ideals, but also tries to protect the other group members. On February 22nd, the Scholls and their aide Christoph Probst are accused of high treason and sentenced to death. As the execution tooks place the same day, Sophie has to take leave of her family..."

Summary written by fippi2000 (IMDB)

What makes this film so good is that despite that the dialogs are in German, and subtitled in English, I can see the good acting really shines in the actors. The conversations between the characters is really captivating, although the atmosphere created by the conversations can be quite solemn. The audience was much amused by the trial scene, where the trio were charged in the People's Court (Volksgerichtshof). It's really more like a mockery of the justice system as the defense lawyer were practically useless.

At the end of the movie, most people stayed to watch the photos showed which seemingly were of the real life characters depicted in the movie. Nobody spoke much when leaving the theater, as the solemn mood hangs in the air.

It's a great movie. a recommended watch.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Where is my 8 Goretusk Livers ?

Quest: Goretusk Liver Pie


Salma Saldean needs 8 Goretusk livers to make a Goretusk Liver Pie.

Game Description:

The onions are peeled. The garlic is minced. The rosemary is crushed. The crust has been baked. The dill weed is chopped. The gravy is simmering. Now all I need for my famous meat pie are 8 Goretusk Livers!"

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Wow, sounds easy ah ? This is only a level 12 quest for World of Warcraft (WoW), it can't be hard right ? Just kill a couple of Goretusk and I can complete the quest in 15 mins !

1 whole hour later, after running around Westfall, I was grumbling about the slow respawn rates of Goretusks, their limited population and the insanely low drop rates of Goretusk livers. This is despite of the average drop rate of 26.52% (An average of 32 boars killed to obtain 8 livers).

Hey don't all pigs have livers in them ? Why do I have to kill so many pigs for an hour to get 8 livers ?

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Oii Oii, you want a piece of me huh ?

Junming had also pondered on this fact too. The games drops ain't that realistic, but hey, it's just a game right ? Maybe during the killing process, I have damaged the pigs' liver beyond recognition ? Could it be my ice bolts froze the liver and my fireball toasted them so badly?

Give me a break ! This is insane !

It reminds me of the quill rat (a large rat) in diablo 2 which can drop items as large as lance. A lance is a polearm 3.65m long and weights 4.5-6.8kg. It can mysteriously appear after you kill the rat. Very incredible.
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How does a rat carries these around ?

Ok, it's not the first quest in games that asked me to spend hours, collecting some grotesque items such as hearts, livers,eyes or some other random body parts. Hmm...Diablo 2 also has that, maybe it's because both games are made by Blizzard.

The road to level 60 continues...