Thursday, November 16, 2006

The Life Science Dilemma

The Life Science Dilemma

For those who haven't stick their head in the sands for the last few years, you should be aware of the Singapore 政府's push for life science. Touted as the next big thing after the last mega push, Information Technology, our 小 Lee decided that we should embrace this expanding field with open arms. And so we got our Biopolis built for SGD$500,000,000, kar-po the world's leading bio-tech scientists (I am presuming that some are stem cells researching who are pissed off from US virtual banning of stem cells research) and what do you know ? We are starting to do bio-tech research and manufacturing medicine !

The educational system, anticipating a demand for life science grads, came up with degrees, diplomas and various certifications in the Life Science field. All things looks pretty rosy from the outside, but somewhere along the way, something don't adds up.

A majority of the students were expecting lab jobs to be available to them after they graduates from their studies. Afterall, who will not be interested in finding the next wonder cure for some deadly diseases ? My youngest sister, who is now studying at ITE college east (Simei) for her Higher Nitec in Biochemical Technology cert certainly will like to.

As the evil man I have always been, I began to cast doubts on her choice of career in life science. Here are some of the current perceptions of life science which I have doubts in.

The Devil's Life Science FAQ !

  1. Can always find a lab job after graduating lah !
    Did anyone actually ask the senior students who have entered the workforce ? My older sister did. Her friend got a local degree, but ended up as a salesman selling biotech equipment.

  2. But at least can wash test tubes right ?
    There are degree holders pressing buttons on the machines to wash the test tubes. And the positions are all filled up. ITE cert? Not a chance !

  3. Then what can i do so that I can do research work in a lab ?
    Get a PhD ? The foreign companies wants PhD holders to lead research. The underlings are aplenty, so it's hard unless you suck really hard to get yourself into lab work in your degree course, it's really hard. Unfortunately, Singapore doesn't seems to produce much PhD holders, if any at all.

  4. Cannot be no job mah ! So many companies out there ! They put in a lot of many into this !
    The labs cost alot of money. The leading researchers also cost a bomb. The researches cost a good fortune overall. But the lab tech jobs are so few and lowly paid compared with their peers. Unlike the last push for IT, there are vast differences in the 2 industries. Life science is a case of lots of money into a small pool of people while IT is hell of alot of money into a large pool of people. Every company needs a IT team, but not a bio-tech guy. The comparison starts here and will only concludes that bio-tech doesn't seem like what it is being advertised as. Even after the dot-com burst, companies know the importance of IT. So the IT industry lives on and evolves.

  5. I want to be there ! It is a growing field and it should make more $$$ !
    Most degree holders don't make even $2000. ITE certs and diploma holders ? Tough luck. I seriously doubt that you might even get employment in the related fields. Maybe a salesman or manufacturing guy ?

  6. But 政府 says one !
    Well, they kept mummed during the dot-com burst. Let's cross our fingers.

  7. I can do the sai-kang and wait till i get the position i want !
    I don't think that will happen and when you see your peers out-stripping your pay check several times over a couple of months, you will think again.

And a few days back, my youngest sister told me that she have received an attachment posting to a company-that-shall-not-be-named located in Jurong. Wow, that's good ! Some experience will be good ! But the kicker came when she revealed that she will not be getting a dime during the attachment period. Not a single cent ?! What kind of cheapskate company is that ? Students typically get $400 to $1000 during attachments !

Of course they questioned their school. The reason for this sorry situation is that the several companies that they got the attachment opportunities from are unwilling to pay for the first batch of ITE students because they are unproven and of questionable quality. This is outrageous, so much for a sector with positive outlook ! The first batch of IT students didn't get this kind of treatment !

If I were in the companies involved, I will do this year after year for free labour ! Why pay $2000 for a degree holder to wash test tubes when you can have hordes of eager ITE students to do the same - for FREE !

And if I were the student, it's time to bail out and switch course when I go for my diploma or degree.

Well, my youngest sister is not buying my argument. We shall see.

Check out this article from Today too. Good read.

update 12/01/08 : My sister finally landed a job at a food company for $1500 as an assistant.

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