Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Death trap

This morning, I went to Ingram Micro Education Centre for a workshop on Brightstor Arcserve Backup for Windows by Computer Associates. While making my way there, my digestion system didn't cooperate and produced a lot of gas. So after arriving at the premises, I raced to the 2nd floor where the reception is, signed in and hunted for the toilet like a madman before I crap in my pants.

I found the toilet sign, navigated a corner at break neck speed and found a door leading to a staircase. I went through the door and saw another opened door...


... which leads to a few compressor on a ledge. So if anyone who is 1/2 asleep and is new here, you could have land yourselves in the hospital cursing and swearing if you are not already dead.

Since I am here complaining about this in my blog, it means I am not dead and yes, unfortunately for you, I am not in the hospital either. The adrenaline rush however, saved me a cup of tea for my morning caffeine boost.

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