Tuesday, July 11, 2006

I want to be forever young

Do you want to have baby smooth skin forever ?
Do you want to stay young forever ?
Does Alphaville's Forever Young reverb in your heads ?

"Forever young, I want to be forever young
do you really want to live forever, forever and ever"

But be careful of what you wish for, as it could turn out really nasty.

There is a 12 years old girl who stopped growing at 9 months. It's not just her body that will not grow anymore, her mental functions and motor functions are also impaired. She can't walk or talk yet and suffers from a number of health problems. It's not a case of a 12 years old girl stuck in a 9 months old body but a 12 years old with a 9 months old body and mind.

Well, if i am an evil profit hungry scientist / madman, i would have turn her into a lab-rat, trying to find out what caused her strange condition. There might be a possbility that she might actually hold the key to the fountain of youth. Yeah, that's pretty evil. Maybe I will turn her into an elixir of life...if such a thing is actually possible. If we can learn how to "freeze" the body clock as she did, it might be the discovery of the century. Woah. Better than eating 唐玄藏 flesh perhaps.

And this is a video on the poor baby.

Forever Young - The most amazing videos are a click away

Well, not to forget, the parents got a old baby to take care of, until complications set in and took her life away. I think that i should include having healthy children in my wish list from now on.

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