Monday, July 31, 2006

More explosive soft drinks and thermite !!

If the last video on diet coke + mentos isn't enough, here is more for the pyro-fanatics out there.

Check out this video on soft drinks + dry ice. Dry ice was dropped into a 2 litre pet bottle. Unlike the mentos method, this does not cause the carbon dioxide to be released immediately in the form of a water fountain. It has to be mixed via a hard impact with the ground. The result is not a water fountain but a instant explosion !The dry ice was broken up by the impact when the bottle hitted the ground, and it caused the liquid to contract immediately. The result is that the carbon dioxide got squeezed out and caused the whole package to explode. Dry ice itself is actually solid carbon dioxide, so once it absorbs heat from the soft drink, it expands rapidly into it's gasous form, adding to the explosion. Woah, where do I buy dry ice. Heehee !

Dry Ice - Watch more funny videos here

On the other hand, we have some madman who dump thermite on a block of liquid nitrogen. It's good fun ! A thermite reaction is a type of aluminothermic reaction in which aluminium metal is oxidized by the oxide of another metal, most commonly iron oxide. (From wikipedi) It can reach high temperatures of 2500°C compared to the low temperature of liquid nitrogen, -196°C. So what happens next? Watch this !

Saturday, July 29, 2006

Dual 7th lunar month this year

If you are a ghost, abeit a chinese one, you probably be very happy that the immigration department of hell have opened the gates for a special extended 中元节 season for 2 lunar months ! Condition and rules do still applies though, like the basement 18th folks are still not eligible as they are suppose to be in the pits for 永不超生. By hey, if you are dead and reading this blog, do leave your contact information so we can discuss some business proposals.

Chengsan For those living at Cheng San district, well please be careful of walking into our parallel universe - Silent Hill. If your roads leads to nowhere and the place looks greylish or whitelish, all the best to you.

If you are going home at night, and you are afraid of extra "things" following you around, please feel free to seek assistance from me. (Only appliable to chio bu)

For the living, especially HDB dwellers, please do expect excessive mono dioxide, sulphuric acid, dust and dirt flying during the duration of 中元节. The PSI forecast for the 1st, and 15th day of the lunar month are expected to exceed 200.

To protect your health against the heat and polluted air from the conversion process of paper to ashes, you are recommended to use a face mask. By the way, inflation caused by the massive influx of hell money has again, achieved it's seasonal high. A cup of kopi-O now cost a trillion hell dollars now.

Tuesday, July 25, 2006

大破日啊!实在衰! One unlucky day

This has to be one of the lousy days in my life. With this blog, i can remember this day, 24 July 2006 forever (So long this blog sticks around). Black Monday, ultimate Monday morning blues.

The morning
So the day started as usual in the morning at 6.20am. As i move my bicycle down to the ground floor, I got the sinking feeling that I have forgotten to take the notebook harddisk IDE converters with me. For various reason, I have to bring my own equipment to work, sadly. So when i reach the ground floor and put my bike at rest, I pulled out the contents of my 12 years old blue Deuter bag and confirmed my worst fear. I locked my bike to the nearest water pipe quickly and stormed upstairs back to my flat while I muttered a few mumblings of my poor memory.

I searched my desk and drawer, and of course, I found nothing. The same sinking feeling struck me. I sticked my hands into my bag once again and once again, I have proved that I can be an idoit at times. The four converters were placed in a small red plastic bag which is in the same shade of red of another bigger plastic bag holding my swimming stuff. During the initial search on the ground floor, I had missed the smaller plastic bag because of my sotongness.

Morning train ride
As i walked out of the train at Dhoby Ghaut interchange, a Chinese, male, in his 30s, whom i was walking behind him, conveniently swung a large heavy bag to his right. He overdid it and his bag hit me on my right shoulder. To the superstitious, to be hitted on the shoulders signify bad luck. And that was quite a knock. The guy apologised as I walked off to the up-riding escalator towards the Northeast Line. 啊!一大清早就如倒霉了. I nodded my head at the attacker as a gesture of forgiveness. Well, I am not really a supersitious person, so I fought the urge to beat him up and throw him on the MRT tracks as a incoming train approaches.

15 mins later, I arrived at Harbourfront station. As I got out of the gates, I saw something dropped to the ground. My sleepy mind sprung into action and spotted a Chinese, male, approximately 15, had dropped his POSB debit master card onto the ground as he pulled out his wallet to get pass the gates towards the train. He did not notice his lost in his haste. It took me a split second to decide to add some good luck to his life by picking up the card and returning his lost card, despite that it is a guy, not a chio bu who need my help in this case. I hope I can get some karma instead of the usual "Thanks".

Late morning
I made a cup of tea at about 10am and placed it on the shelf. A walk to the men's wind up into a trip of no return. Numerous users required my IT expertise to solve their Monday morning computer blues. After I finally made it back to my IT store room, I realise that my cup of Teh-O had became Teh-Ping-Kosong. Since my creamer and sugar would no longer attempt to dissolve in the cool brown liquid, I had to dump it into the bin as it was 12.15pm already. That's lunch.

My sweet tooth hurted my head so much just after my lunch at the hawker centre. I walked over to Cold Storage and bought a pack of Unicurd Mango Tofu.

I went back to the pantry and excitingly, pull the beancurd out of it's plastic bag confinement. A quick tear of the plastic cover revealed a disturbingly heavy sweet aroma. It smells so good. By hey, I had been eating this dessert since it was first sold. The sweet aroma does not fit any of their products. A peek at the beancurd exposed the truth. Gas bubbles had formed. Despite the 9 August expiry, the beancurd had turned bad. And this is not the first time it had happened. It had happened once while I was still working at Cathay Organisation. But well, it's 10 minutes to end of lunch time, so I put the spoilt sweet smelling beancurd back into it's plastic bag confinement and hung my head towards the IT store room. It's too late to change for a new cube. Just in case, I double checked that my $0.85 spent will be guaranteed by locating the Cold Storage receipt.

Mid Afternoon
My colleague was teaching me how to label the backup tapes on the Overland Powerloader backup drive through Veritas backup exec. After scheduling the labeling jobs, we went about to perform our respective tasks. At about 3+, I went back to the server room to check on the status of the process.

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This freaking black box actually cost a 天文数值 amount of USD$4799.99 exluding GST and shipping ! And it was last touched by my 衰hands, dying with kilometers of tapes in it.

"Hard Error"

The error message was imprinted on the tiny LCD display on the backup device. My colleague was alerted immediately. As I had suspected, he confirmed that one of the tapes seems to have been stuck.

"Eh, this one no more warranty leh", my colleague stated with his usual smiling face. He stopped all the backup services and attempted to use his 盖世武功 to resurrect the machine. We did what we can, and finally used one of the ultimate move in IT support - REBOOT. Alas, it didn't work. The backup drive had died trying to execute my labeling commands. At least we will not have any more worries about backup commands failing as they will be no more backup drive to use in the first place. Later on in the evening, after alerting my immediate superior, the server room became a scene for 武林大会. Ideas were brained stormed for covering the void of a dead backp drive. In a corporate environment, the idea of losing a day's backup is a IT manager's worst nightmare. I sneaked out of the room with my bloodied hands behind.

*Update* 31 July 2006 - The 衰ness continues, tape backup woes.
The Overland Powerloader (tape library) actually contains a internal tape drive which had a tape stuck inside now. Our Jurong Island IT expert came down and swapped it with their own internal tape drive in an attempt to resurrect the expensive black box. Alas, the replacement tape drive seems to be a dead unit, not much better than a unit with a stuck tape. Attempts to extract the stuck tape from the original drive was met with resistance by several allan screws.

Next, we used another backup drive library from IBM, a auto loader with a capacity of 7 tapes. But after 2 hours of trying very hard to make it load tapes without the assistance of a long screw driver, we gave up. My IT manager will hate me very soon.

I went to Cold Storage with my sweet smelling tofu in tow. The cashier started to lecture about the need to store such goods in the fridge and not under the hot sun. Despite my assurance that it was not the case, she went into hyper auntie mode and repeated herself again and again. At first she thought the sweet aroma was correct, it really smell sweet. How can a rotting food stuff smells good? I would have come to the same conclusion if I had not ate this tofu for years since it's release in Singapore. I went to fetch a new box after I told her that I just want to change for the same thing. Athough I told her that I do not want to eat the beancurd now, she insisted on opening the beancurd to check out the "freshness" of the tofu. Upon opening the seal of the packaging, she realise that I was right all along. There wasn't any sweet aroma from the fresh box. She went into apologic mode and asked me to fetch another box which I took home. All this more a tofu priced at $0.85.

I got to the Harbourfront station entrance and found that it was closed. Wow, that's new. Harbourfront station was closed during peak hours. Scores of SBStransit staff were directing passengers to their free shuttle bus service which covered Harbourfront to Dolby Ghaut as the stations in-between were all closed.

I hopped into one the shuttle bus, and found myself a seat. Shortly after the bus ride started, I overheard a million theories on the train service disruption. Chemical spills. Train crash. Terrorist attack. Scheduled drills. People falling onto the tracks (How is that possible??) The truth showed itself as a bulletin on TV mobile.

The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.

"NEL Harbourfront to Dhoby Ghaut station closed due to electrical problem"

Ok, that destroyed all the over-active imaginations of the passengers and calm the nerves of the supporters of the terrorist theory. At least there will be not suicide bombers on our buses yet.

Due to my incredible weakness i got when taking buses, the 30 minutes bus ride left me fatigued and sick. I got motion sickness and migraine since I was very young. In short, that translates into hell for me whenever I take a bus ride longer than 15 mins. It gave me an excuse not to go for my planned swim. My thermal pants, underwater visual aid, water absorbtion fabrics and human body cleaning agents in my bag will be destinated for use on another day.

I hope my bad luck stops it's run up to this point.

For now, I don't want to check my investment in ToTo in case my bad luck have not faded away.

*Update* 29 July 2006 - The ToTo results on Monday confirmed my bad luck is for real. My 2 sets of system 7 entries matched a grand total of ONE number. That's 14 numbers and only 1 matched !!! I need flower water !

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Battle for my internet recontract ! Singtel VS Pacnet VS Starhub

The date is 23 July 2006. My Starhub Maxonline 6500 contract will be over in a week or two. With nothing better to do, I have decided to check out the current price plans and promotions offered by our local ISP. Being a kiasu user, I will not want to waste my contract on useless or cheap freebies. So here is the my personal review of the current broadband plans as of now.

Please bear in mind that this is from my point of view, which is that I already have a Maxonline 6500 contract and I want to get the best deal. Since I will be using the assumption that I will want the digital voice service, I will need to buy the digital voice modem. I already have a router, as I need to split my connection 3 ways.

So, in order to find the best bang per buck, here is my extensive review of the current promotions. If you want to know more, read on. I had always been wondering how they arrive at the value of the bundle offered, seems like it’s mostly hot air. Here is the result of 4.5 hours of research on a hot and humid Sunday.

  1. Starhub Maxonline 4000 (256Kbps upload) - $58.80 /mth
    a) Samsung Home Theatre Promotion (2 yrs contract)

Digital voice enabled cable modem

- $115.50

Digital voice activation

- $42

Samsung Home Theatre System

+ $349

Re-contract Robinsons shopping voucher

+ $100

Hubber bonus subscription reduction

+ $88



Actual cost per month over 2 years = $42.98 ($58.80 - $379.50 / 24)
* Free activation worth $31.50 for new users.

b) Digital voice home networking kit promotion (1.5 yrs contract)

Digital voice enabled cable modem

- $115.50

Digital voice activation

- $42

Linksys Wireless-G Broadband Router

+ $130 / $132 (



Linksys Wireless-G USB / PCMIA Adapter

Bundled with router


- $25.50

Actual cost per month over 1.5 years = $60.27 ($58.80 - $25.50 / 18)
* New users will need to pay $31.50 for activation charge

c) Digital Linksys Wireless Gateway Promotion (2 yrs contract)

Linksys Wireless-G Broadband Modem Router

+ $180 (estimated)

Linksys Wireless-G USB / PCMIA Adapter

+ $65 (estimated)



Actual cost per month over 2 years = $48.59 ($58.80 - $245 / 24)
* New users will need to pay $31.50 for activation charge

  1. Starhub Maxonline 6500 (384Kbps upload) - $79.80 /mth
    a) Samsung Home Theatre Promotion (2 yrs contract)

Digital voice enabled cable modem

- $115.50

Digital voice activation

- $42

Samsung Home Theatre System

+ $349

10% Off Monthly subscription

+ $191.52 ($7.98/mth)

Re-contract Robinsons shopping voucher

+ $100

Hubber bonus subscription reduction

+ $88


+ $0



Actual cost per month over 2 years = $56 ($79.80 - $571.02 / 24)
* Free activation worth $31.50 for new users.

b) Xbox 360 Core System Promotion (2 yrs contract)

Digital voice enabled cable modem

- $115.50

Digital voice activation

- $42

Xbox 360 Core System

+ $480 (estimate)

Xbox 360 64MB Memory unit

+ $50 (estimate)

12 months Xbox Live Starter Kit

+ $80 (estimate)

10% Off Monthly subscription

+ $191.52 ($7.98/mth)

Hubber bonus football cooler

+ $99


+ $0



Actual cost per month over 2 years = $48.84 ($79.80 - $743.02 / 24)
* Free activation worth $31.50 for new users.

c) Digital voice home networking kit promotion (2 yrs contract)

Digital voice enabled cable modem

- $115.50

Digital voice activation

- $42

Linksys Wireless-G Broadband Router

+ $130 / $132 (



Linksys Wireless-G USB / PCMIA Adapter

Bundled with router

15% Off Monthly subscription

+ $287.28 ($11.97/mth)



Actual cost per month over 2 years = $68.89 ($79.80 - $261.78 / 24)
* New users will need to pay $31.50 for activation charge

d) Digital Linksys Wireless Gateway Promotion (2 yrs contract)

Linksys Wireless-G Broadband Modem Router

+ $180 (estimated)

Linksys Wireless-G USB / PCMIA Adapter

+ $65 (estimated)

10% Off Monthly subscription

+ $191.52 ($7.98/mth)



Actual cost per month over 2 years = $61.61 ($79.80 - $436.52 / 24)
* New users will need to pay $31.50 for activation charge
* Free installation for existing customer

  1. Starhub Maxonline Ultimate (1000Kbps upload) - $121.80 /mth (2 yrs contract)
    a) Samsung Home Theatre Promotion

Digital voice enabled cable modem

- $115.50

Digital voice activation

- $42

Samsung Home Theatre System

+ $349

10% Off Monthly subscription

+ $292.32 ($12.18/mth)

Re-contract Robinsons shopping voucher

+ $100

Hubber bonus subscription reduction

+ $88


+ $0


+ $0



Actual cost per month over 2 years = $92.06 ($121.80 - $713.82 / 24)
* Free activation worth $31.50 for new users.

b) Xbox 360 Core System Promotion

Digital voice enabled cable modem

- $115.50

Digital voice activation

- $42

Xbox 360 Core System

+ $480 (estimate)

Xbox 360 64MB Memory unit

+ $50 (estimate)

12 months Xbox Live Starter Kit

+ $80 (estimate)

10% Off Monthly subscription

+ $292.32 ($12.18/mth)

Hubber bonus football cooler

+ $99


+ $0


+ $0



Actual cost per month over 2 years = $80.34 ($121.80 - $843.82 / 24)
* Free activation worth $31.50 for new users.

c) Digital voice home networking kit promotion (2 yrs contract)

Digital voice enabled cable modem

- $115.50

Digital voice activation

- $42

Linksys Wireless-G Broadband Router

+ $130 / $132 (



Linksys Wireless-G USB / PCMIA Adapter

Bundled with router

15% Off Monthly subscription

+ $438.48 ($18.27/mth)



Actual cost per month over 2 years = $104.59 ($121.80 - $412.98 / 24)
* New users will need to pay $31.50 for activation charge

d) Digital Linksys Wireless Gateway Promotion (2 yrs contract)

Linksys Wireless-G Broadband Modem Router

+ $180 (estimated)

Linksys Wireless-G USB / PCMIA Adapter

+ $65 (estimated)

10% Off Monthly subscription

+ $292.32 ($12.18/mth)



Actual cost per month over 2 years = $99.41 ($121.80 - $537.32 / 24)
* New users will need to pay $31.50 for activation charge
* Free installation for existing customer

  1. Singtel 1500k ADSL Unlimited (3 yrs contract)

ADSL2+ Ethernet Modem

+ $75 (estimated)

Acer SA85 Desktop
3.06GHz/256 DDR/80GB/15”LCD
+ $99 for 512mb total
+ $99 for 17” LCD

+ $1058


- $42



Actual cost per month over 3 years = $27.69 ($58 - $1091 / 36)
* Add $88 to upgrade to ADSL2+ Wireless modem router

3500k - Actual cost per month over 2 yrs = $83.90 ($83.90 - $1091 / 24)

  1. Singtel 3500k/10Mbps/25Mbps ADSL Unlimited (2 yrs contract)

ADSL2+ Wireless modem router

+ $170 (estimated)

Acer SA85 Desktop
3.06GHz/256 DDR/80GB/15”LCD
+ $99 for 512mb total
+ $99 for 17” LCD

+ $1058


- $42



3500k - Actual cost per mth over 2 yrs = $34.48 ($83.90 - $1186 / 24)
10Mbps - Actual cost per mth over 2 yrs = $38.58 ($88 - $1186 / 24)
25Mbps - Actual cost per mth over 2 yrs = $52.98 ($102.40 - $1186 / 24)

  1. Pacnet 512k ADSL Unlimited(2 yrs contract)

Aztech 600 EW Wireless Modem Router

+ $170 (estimated)

3 months mail guard

+ $0

120 SkypeOut

+ $7.20 ($0.06 per minute)


- $41.95



Actual cost per month over 2 yrs = $39.53 ($45 - $131.25 / 24)


After analyzing the data from above, here are the results…

1. Starhub Maxonline

The Maxonline 6500 – Xbox 360 promotion offers the best value. Although it’s only a Xbox 360 Core, you get a 64mb memory card to save your data as compensation. However, there are no games or game discounts attached. So you get a Xbox 360 … and that’s it. Stay away from the wireless router and gateway promotions if you can help it, as they have very bad value.

By taking into account that you may not want the Xbox 360, the next best thing will be Samsung Home Theater promotion.

The Maxonline Ultimate is way to pricey. It is unlikely that I can use that much bandwidth at all. So all the Maxonline ultimate plans are struck off the eligible list.

2. Singnet Broadband
The sweet spot seems to be the 10Mbps plan. It makes the 1500k and 3500k plan looks really sorry. However, the promotions are pretty bad if you do not want the Acer desktop. It’s a low-mid range machine with a pathetic 15” LCD which must be upgraded to 17” LCD. The 256mb of DDR is a mistake. My recommendation is to add another 1GB DDR ASAP. Considering a DIY version of the Acer desktop will be priced at only about $900, I will not consider Singnet Broadband for my upgrade.

3. Pacnet
This is the worst of the lot. The 512 ADSL plan cost more than the Singnet counterpart. The Singnet Broadband 10Mbps works out to be similarly priced with you consider the Acer desktop promotion If I just need a basic unlimited ADSL access, I will rather go for the Singnet broadband 1500k.

I did not bother to check out the cable modem service from Pacnet. The prices are pretty close to the Starhub’s counterpart. However, there are no freebies, promotions, or any mention of a free cable modem. The only upside is that there is only a year’s contract with the plans. But why would you sign up for a year and get nothing at all at the same price ?


I am seriously considering the Maxonine 6500 – Xbox 360 and the Maxonline 6500 Samsung home theater promotion. I wish the HP PDA phone promotion was continued though.

However, I don't really want a Xbox 360, a Samsung home threater system or a Acer PC. I already got a router, so the networking bundles are pretty pointless. The Pacnet promotions are really hopeless. This sucks. I can't wait for better promotions to come along, probably at Sept or Dec during one of those computer "shows" where they fight tooth and nail for new signups.

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

死猴子,没死过 ! Monkey seeking death !

This is a video with a death wish. Watch this !

The brave or stupid (whatever) monkey toys with two tiger cubs while he still can.

On the other hand, we have a buddhist monkey here.

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Don't make him angry.

Update 12/1/2008 : Boycotting HappyTreeFriends now. Not firefox friendly.

Saturday, July 15, 2006

Cooking an egg on a MacBook

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Ever heard of folks complaining that their laptops are too hot for comfort? Apart from cases where the laptop batteries burst spontenously into flames, rumors about WiFi lowering sperm counts and scared legs from overheated laptops, this one seems to be another classic : The MacBook is hot enough to cook an egg on.

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Derek, who owns a black MacBook was complaining about his MacBook which he felt, was way too hot on his story here on 7 July 06.

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153 degree Fahrenheit is equal to 67.2222222 degree Celsius. If you notice from the picture above, the MacBook is using the Intel Core Duo processor.

On his post at July 13 06, he decided to tried what he thought is possible : Cook an egg on the Mac Book.
Well, he did managed to cook a 荷包蛋 (fried egg) on the underside of his MacBook, despite taking 3 times longer compared with a pan. 哇, he must be really pissed to do this to his laptop. What Derek did was to confirm my belief that MacBooks are best left alone. The lack of software (read : pirated stuff, 海盗牌的), and steep price tag are really sore points. The well-designed, sleek looking MacBook is not enough to convince me to buy any in the very far future.

Since Core Duo CPUs are here to stay for a long time to come, I figure that unless somebody at 苹果(Apple) do something about the problem, the following alternative uses will be good reasons to buy a Core Duo MacBook :

  1. As a iron
  2. Cup heater
  3. Something to hug where you feel cold
  4. Pain relief pad

So maybe you can heat your cold Mac Meal on your overheating MacBook too.

* Update * 17 July 06 - For the non-believers, the folks at Krische online took the trouble to bring the MacBook against a Dell latitude in a battle for the literally the coolest laptop among them ! Here we go !

Needless to say, the coolest looking MacBook is also the hottest of them all. Whoop ! This is the price you pay for not having sufficient built-in fans in exchange for silence.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Free games : Bash your computer & Photohunt clone

Did your computer gave you a severe headache ? So much so that you want to destroy the computer with your fist ? Here is your chance !

Beat Up Your PC - Great stress reliever for any computer user

Next is the classic photo hunt clone

Find five errors

I am not particularly good at this. It gave me an headache and make me look slow + stupid trying to find the 5 difference before the time runs out.

Enjoy !

I want to be forever young

Do you want to have baby smooth skin forever ?
Do you want to stay young forever ?
Does Alphaville's Forever Young reverb in your heads ?

"Forever young, I want to be forever young
do you really want to live forever, forever and ever"

But be careful of what you wish for, as it could turn out really nasty.

There is a 12 years old girl who stopped growing at 9 months. It's not just her body that will not grow anymore, her mental functions and motor functions are also impaired. She can't walk or talk yet and suffers from a number of health problems. It's not a case of a 12 years old girl stuck in a 9 months old body but a 12 years old with a 9 months old body and mind.

Well, if i am an evil profit hungry scientist / madman, i would have turn her into a lab-rat, trying to find out what caused her strange condition. There might be a possbility that she might actually hold the key to the fountain of youth. Yeah, that's pretty evil. Maybe I will turn her into an elixir of life...if such a thing is actually possible. If we can learn how to "freeze" the body clock as she did, it might be the discovery of the century. Woah. Better than eating 唐玄藏 flesh perhaps.

And this is a video on the poor baby.

Forever Young - The most amazing videos are a click away

Well, not to forget, the parents got a old baby to take care of, until complications set in and took her life away. I think that i should include having healthy children in my wish list from now on.

Wonderbra - Guys must buy this

Instead of lifting breasts, this one actually lifts the sex drive and ego of the perverted, deprived and obviously sick geek.

Given the Japanese's habit of making strange men-oriented products, this might not sound too strange. Maybe, even kindof expected. Now they had actually came out with another weird and probably, useless gadget. This time, from Angel Kitty, it's a flexible keyboard that is wore like a bra. The bra comes with silicone padding to cushion the wearer against damage from the raging fingers of the geek. Well, Angel Kitty caters to the fetish of the "uniform" lovers in Japan, so if you want to lay your hands on one, you have to order online.

Hey, I rather take the girl than the keyboard.

Well, taking into considerations that a average geek will NOT have a girl friend to start with, and the amount of persuassion required to coax anyone into wearing such a geeky and strange device, I don't think this product will sell very well.

Maybe the thought of typing on the breast of their girl friend's alone will push some sales through. The odds is that your average Singapore girl friend will most likely to give you a piece of her mind and dump you then to wear the bra keyboard.

But hey, if you got a girl friend who would actually agree to your a dumb request, you probably will not be going to use the Wonderbra keyboard to type at your computer. Unless you are geeker than a geek that is.

BF : I got this, eh, new bra and can you wear it so i can see how it looks on you ?
GF : Simi lai de ?
BF : Import from Japan 1, latest.
GF : So sweet of you !
BF : (Pulls out the Wonderbra Keyboard)
GF : (Awkward Silence)
BF : (Guilty look)
GF : (Looks stunned, turned into anger, slaps BF, and launch a kick into his manhood)
BF : (Loses GF, reputation, and manhood. Also gained a useless keyboard)

Monday, July 3, 2006

Drinking water is good for your health ... ya maybe

Everytime someone around me says, "If you eat too much of [insert something edible/medicine etc], you will suffer from [insert condition name]", I will point out that anything taken excessively will result in problems. 病从口入吗。This includes drinking water, H2O.

Then I will get strange stares from making this statement. Hmm ? Drinking too much water is dangerous ? Oh yes it is. There is actually a condition call water intoxication aka water poisoning and hyper hydration.Basically, it induces a condition call hyponatremia, which in simple terms means low salt content in your blood. Strange as it sounds, not only drinking large amount of water is stupid, it is very deadly. And we thought over drinking (of alcohol) kills, hehee.

Apparently, drinking too much water over a short period of time when deplete the sodium in our body and cause cells to explode during to extreme osmotic pressure. And guess what, drinking 1.5 to 3 litres of water at one go is sufficient to cause problems from this condition.

Matthew Carrington, died taking part of dumb initiation ritual at Chi Tau fraternity.
There was also a case which i can't find a link to where a mom fed her baby too much water on purpose to kill her baby.

This reflects on the water torture aka water treatment used by the Japanese during World War II to force confessions and information from their prisioners. When I read about that in the history text books, I have only thought that it could caused serious discomfort and death by suffocation. Maybe death by unclean water as well, but now, I can add water intoxication to the list.

Enterprising murderers can always force their victim to drink loads of water, in agony of course, literally to their death. Once the victim falls into a coma from the water overdose, the stomach will continue to absorb more water until fatality occurs.

That's evil...hehee. Hmm...this blog is getting naughty and evil by the day.

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Chiong ah ! Must drink more water ! You wanna get air-lifted and showered with ice cold water bor ?

This rises another sore issue that many males in Singapore are familiar with. Water parades in the SAF. For those fortunate enough to be oblivious to this term, it is an important thing to do, especially before rigorous physical activites. The name came from the fact that a group of soldiers have to drink 0.5 litres to 1 litres of water at one go. While without a doubt, it saved plenty of lives from dehydration, I cannot determine if the instructors knew that drinking too much at one go is dangerous too. Although unlikely, it might be a good idea to space out the water parades at 0.5 litres per session in-between breaks in training. I heard of water parades that goes at 1 litre per session. Woah... will that leads to water intoxication someday ?

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Looks familiar guys ?

During my BMT (Basic Military Training), we had to drink 0.5 litres of water during the morning parade before breakfast. Typically we consume another mug of water / milo / kopi / tea / syrup during breakfast. If physical training is scheduled right after breakfast, we have to down another canteen of water to prevent dehydration. That's 1.3 litres of water in roughly an hour. Pretty too close to the 1.5 litres to 3 litres limit for comfort. This also caused some people to vomit and have nightmares about every inevitable water parades that comes along. I am not saying water parades are bad but let's space them up a little.

Some folks decided to "chao keng" and dump the water away despite heavy penalties for not drinking and for those who simply can't do the latter have to resort to mixing instant drinks which are almost transparent to make the water tastier to drink. Instant 100 plus makes a good drink, and it mixes quite quickly.

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Hey can this be made a compulsory issue ?

That's all for now folks.

World Most Ugliest Dog

I came across an article on the ugliest dog last week web somewhere on the World Wild Web and due to it's entertaining value, I am sharing it with you people.

Behold ! The world most ugliest Dog !

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Sam the Dog from hell...

The Associated Press described Sam with these words :

"The tiny dog has no hair, if you don't count the yellowish-white tuft erupting from his head. His wrinkled brown skin is covered with splotches, a line of warts marches down his snout, his blind eyes are an alien, milky white, and a fleshy flap of skin hangs from his withered neck. And then there are the Austin Powers teeth that jut at odd angles.

He's so ugly that even the judges recoiled when he was placed on the judging table . . ."

Full article here

Oh well, he is dead now at age 14. Sam be reborn in a better body next time round.
If you are having fun with this article, check this out, for more ! Enough of those boring dog shows, this is more entertaining.

Here are some samples of things to come :
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Miss Ellie age 10, a rescued Chinese crested hairless, a winner for Jan 2006.
OMG, what a naughty look.

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Chico, winner for May 2006. Looks like alien to me.

After viewing the website, I actually felt better for these reasons.

  1. Heng ah ! I don't own a dog. (Sorry for this insensitive comment in advance)
  2. I am certainly more dashing and handsome, gaining a morale boost. (Why the hell am I comparing myself to a dog)
  3. There are really sicker people than me who put up a contest for the ugliest dog. But hey, I am still enjoying it.

Here is a link to the official event page, which is part of a Sonoma-Marin Fair. A full list of contestants for 2006 is over here.

Ha ha, I feel so deprived, drawing entertainment from the misfortune of these poor mammals. Are you too ? Bad karma building up. Maybe we should have the same type of contents for humans too. It will have the potential to be the biggest media circus of the year, if not the century.

Sunday, July 2, 2006

Fake Nokia 7260 detected ! And more !

I believe many of us have a obsession with new mobile phones. The sleekest, feature packed, latest, most expensive phone in the market never fails to impress the people around us. The owners probably get a high for all the attention. Well, it appears that our mass-copying-factory-of-the-world have already "OEM" Nokia's phone.

Right now, the phone that is cloned is the Nokia 7260, by Shenzhen Telsda and Song Xun Da Khong Ke Electronic.And the real stuff...

Even to a phone-retarded guy like me, the difference is obvious. The copied phone could have been produced with better quality to match the original.

So, when the next time you see someone strolls down the street with the sleekest, feature packed, latest, most expensive mobile phone, it could be "冲的" (a pirated fake). Come on people, this is really a very lazy way to make your own mobile phone, it's a exact clone, albeit with lousy looking plastic.

In another note, the cheapos out there could be buying these in droves. When busted, they could come up with reasons like

  1. 我不知道! (I don't know !)
  2. No lah, it looked fake because this is a cover plate bought from the stall / shop at Sim Lim / [Insert area name] pasar malam / [Insert neighbour hood shop]
  3. Where got fake one ? Don't have ! Don't disturb me !
  4. [Strange awakard silence] ...
  5. I beri buzi you know [Runs off]

Original article here from The Inquirer

And further search on the Google yield even more surprises.
Here is a article on pirated Sony Ericsson W800 and K700 mobile phones.
You can also buy them off ebay ! Here is a W800C, which is cloned Sony Ericsson W800i, at only $1499 yuan (SGD$299) with a free 128mb SD card !!.

And not to forget the K368, which is a cloned Sony Ericsson K750i for only $960 yuan (SGD$192) !The range of pirated mobile phones and PDA phones is really amazing ! Do a search in Ebay china for a better picture. Woah, cheap, disposable phones for all ! Who cares about no warrantly coverage and exploding phone batteries when they are dirt cheap?

12/01/08 Update : Apparently the phones are sold everywhere else in the region. The clones flew out of the cloning factories within weeks of the original's release. They looked so real that it's really hard to tell the difference. It's available in Malaysia too if you are interested. There is a full range of current models to choose from !