Sunday, April 17, 2011

Silverish shiny rocks got even more shinier

While looking for an image for shiny rocks, I ended up with a "Sexy Shiny Silver Metallic Short Catsuit Costume". Ahem, back to the topic, and forget the distraction above (stop staring), the shiny rocks that I had bought in proxy via the UOB silver savings account had made a unrealised gain of 25% in less than 6 weeks.

And here is the not so sexy version of the silver chart

While preaching the all goodness of the ever more shiny rock which kept getting shiny while doing basically nothing on its own, I came across a few common questions.

  1. Q. Silver is very expensive now. Experts says that you should buy only on a substantial retracement / correction in price.
    A. Ever since the price left the $19 range in Sept 2010, the price had moved on to $43 in a blink of the eye. If this is a regular fiat currency, stock, bond, some other non-silver/gold commodities or whatsoever, it might actually have a meaningful retracement / correction. However go open up a silver chart and it will take a 126% retracement to go back to the last major support at $19. The last retracement 18 days, and then the next only 8 days, and who knows how long is the next one. Looking at the chart, you will almost never be able to get a better price from buying at a retracement.

    Frankly, I was also thinking of buying more on a retracement, but I am already wanted to /wrist myself for not believing in myself and bought more when it was $34.4.

  2. Q. I don't believe you. I bet that you will lose $$$ in silver.
    A. If you are so sure, go and take a short position silver now. I will take the other end of the trade by taking a long position. At the unbelievable pace it is climbing, the year end $49 target is not a joke. If silver is a fiat currency, I would have already done a massive short on it, but nope, shorting silver on the long term will bankrupt you for sure.

  3. Q. But people lost money in gold and silver!
    A. Did the same sources tell you those people were also doing leveraged speculative trades on gold and silver, and probably did not have the knowledge on how to manage a trade?

  4. Q. $49 is impossible! $40 is already very high and more than double of $19. It's unsustainable and will collapse. Expert all says that.
    A. Those are the same experts who claimed the same when silver was at $10, $20, $30, $40. If these experts are so spot on, then why are they so damn broke and still working for a pay check to write nonsense?

    Here is my expert source whom I regretfully did not heed his advice 2 years ago on taking a long position on commodities. Jim Rogers!

  5. Q. Ok, then how do I buy?
    A. Since there is almost no best time, and it is impossible to time the entry, you might as well do it blindly. I am talking about an unleveraged saving accounts dominated in silver, not much to risk here.

  6. Q. What happens when it hits $49? Will it stop and roll over and take a dive? Should I sell then? Will it be the end? A cliff? Doomsday?
    A. In reality, $49 is the nominal high based on the previous high in 1980s after adjustment for inflation. Does it mean it will stop there? I got no idea frankly. I probably hold till it reached the moon's orbit.

  7. Q. I still don't know what to do.
    A. Get out of anything denominated in US dollars at the very least. It is destined for eternal doom in the pits of hell. Frankly Euro also looks like the same case too.

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