Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Great depression V2.0

It has been years after I started to explore the financial markets, looking for a greener pasture instead if climbing the boring corporate ladder. Forex trading is still my main focus but I couldn't tame the beast just yet.

As each financial market is entwined with another, I eventually dug more into macro economics. While doing some research on macro economics and through the studying of the 2008 collapse of the sub-prime market which triggered a chain of crazy bubbles explosions, I learn that things are not well now. I can go on and on but let's summaries this quickly.

The worst is yet to come. The rampant debasement of the fiat currency which is the world reserve currency call the US dollar is on the verge of pushing the world into the next Great depression and maybe even WWIII.

It's a doom and gloom story here is my prediction for 2011 and beyond.
1) The official inflation rate 2011 estimate of 2-4% will be a joke. It will beyond 5%. Everything will increase in price.
2) Most currency will fall in value in relation to gold and silver.
3) There will be more wars, civil wars, border disputes, unrest, protest, and basically lots of angry people all over the world.
4) Watch your petrol price. It is going to soar.

So what to do?
1)Dump US dollar, anything that is denominated in USD$ is going to look really sad.
2)Buy gold and silver. Not the jewelery type but ETF, 99% bullion, 99% coins, UOB silver & gold saving accounts.

Prices of gold and silver are going through the roof. Grabs yours today.

3) Hang on to your government job if you have one.

Things are not so rosy this year.

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