Tuesday, September 21, 2010

How fast can a reward turned sour?

Somewhere around 15 minutes.

During last month department meeting, I got a surprise when my group head Mr See announced that I had won a newly created reward. This reward was meant for recognizing one person per department who had slaved the most to contribute to the department. I guess either my hard work and commitment to work had got me something to show for it. But instead, it is my lack of social life had came back to haunt me.

I opened up the envelop and read the content of the letter inside. The reward was a stay in one of the YTL luxury resorts in the region ... for 2. That's about when all the euphoria sunk to the deepest hole in the oceans.

Ok, let's review the conditions.
  1. To be used within a year.
    Sounds fair.
  2. For a stay for about 2 days/1 night.
    Hmm no transport? Some of the resorts are really far out. No problem though.
  3. Employee must be present with employee pass.
    Cannot sell or give away to anyone. I must be present to check in. Ahh no trading or Ebay. Oh wait, must be employee pass! That means I cannot quit to claim it.
  4. For 2 person
    Ok this is the worst part. I can't give it to my parents because of condition 3. If I bring my sisters, I need to pay for an additional headcount. Not all resorts have the capacity to allow a 3rd person in the room provided.
And with the above conditions, the reward quickly turned sour. I had a few options.
  1. Let it lapse.
    Hope everyone forget it.
  2. Forcibly give it away.
    Tell my department head that I don't want the reward.
  3. Go alone.
    I rather stay at home then.
  4. Go with sisters.
    I got to cough up extra $$$ to rope in my youngest sister because she will go bankrupt after the upcoming Tokyo trip in November.
  5. Go with a buddy.
  6. Get a girlfriend and go.
    ... and risk being labeled as a wolf.
  7. Go with the other winners.
    Most of them are attached, married, wrong age group or are guys.
Not long after, HR decided to send out a email broadcast to everyone to announce the winners of the rewards. So, whenever someone came around to say congratulate me, the (heart) pain revisited me. Ouchie.

Anyway, got to make a choice, and I made it Tembok Bali, the spa resort.

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