Saturday, March 14, 2009

When a $110 keyboard starts malfunctioning

About 1 year ago, I bought the most expensive keyboard in my life, the Saitek Eclipse II keyboard. Despite all the years I have been working with computers playing games, I still reply on my eyes to type like a every newbie. The most attractive part of the keyboard is the back-lit keys, which lights up all the keys in neon blue, purple or red. It really helped a great deal while playing games working late into the night.

Then over the past few months, the "T" key started to throw fits and resulted in numerous missing "T"s. Soon the "?" key followed suit and upped the ante by quitting completely on me. After a few days of procrastination, I finally decided to take decisive action.

Google proved to be my best friend. A quick google search tells me that the membrane which provides the spring back action of the keys could become misaligned, resulting in the malfunction keys. Another search result gave instructions where to locate the 10 plus screws required to dismantle the keyboard. Following the instructions successfully, I managed to realign the membrane to the correct position. Feeling encouraged, I proceeded to take off another 10 plus screws to clean all the keys on the keyboard.

I had not ripped a keyboard apart to clean them for a long long time. Starting from way back in 1989, I couldn't afford to buy a new keyboard when they got all sticky and dirty. Things changed after I started working part time. I could afford to buy a new replacement until now. This is not a $15 keyboard but a $110 keyboard. Since I can't convince myself to throw away a $110 keyboard, I got to suck my thumb and do what I have to do... take the whole keyboard apart and clean key by key. I can assure that pulling out the keys really hurts my fingers and there are well over 100 keys to pull. Sob sob.

Eventually every key worked properly and the whole keyboard glow in its neon glory again.

One piece of advice. Don't buy something that glows brightly when you got sisters at home because you will end up paying for another one for them. First the Razor Krait and now another Saitek Eclipse II. At least it goes for $85 instead of $110 now.

My personal christmas tree

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