Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Crappy week since my return from Perth

It had been a crappy week since I returned on Thursday morning from Perth.

When I reached home in the wee hours on Thursday morning, I couldn't adjust to Singapore's terrible heat after spending the last few days in Perth's autumn. The plane that I had taken on my return trip was stuffy and so was the taxi that I took on my way home. It didn't help when I reached home and found that my air-conditioner also call it quits. Instead of chilled air, it spewed heated air like the air-conditioner in the hostel that I had stayed in back in Perth. Perth is on the borderline of being cold while Singapore is not, so this sucks. The repairman visited on Saturday, took assessment and came back on Tuesday to complete the job for $220. Ouch.

On Monday, I found that the left side of my Audio-Technica ATH-EM7 earphone also decided to malfunction. The audio jack was found to be broken. I guess I have to get it repaired because the earphone itself is not cheap ($170 retail).

And today is my last day with Axiant Consulting, the firm that I had stayed with as a pseudo consultant for a year as the last chinese guy in the small outfit. I had never stepped into the office before and will likely not to for as far as I can see. Their HR screwed up and did not processed my transport claims for the entire duration that I was there. Shame !!!

Things didn't go very well today as one of the most labour intensive project that I am holding on ran into problems during a schedule disaster recovery exercise. It was 75% successful. Sigh. Another project officially got delayed for another 2 weeks because another project that it was depending on did not complete on time. Double sigh.

By the way, I am writing this because WoW is under maintenance now. This clearly shows my lack of a social life.

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