Sunday, April 8, 2012

Is Trust Built, Earned Or Given?

Often, we hear the phrase, "you have to earn my trust" when establishing any relationship but in reality, what people tend to do is to give it away blindly.

Personally, i believe trust is neither earned SMS certainly not given, it is built.

You may ask, doesn't earned and built actually the same thing? It is not. Earned imply the concept of doing something and getting something, in this case, trust in return. So can we spend trust? No!

That's the difference between building trust and earning trust. Building trust as with earning trust takes time, but the quality of the trust varies and it is put entirely at stake every time. You can't spend a bit of trust, you either build more of it or lose it all in a collapse.

Giving trust blindly is even worse, because this is an open invitation to disaster. I am pessimistic to human behaviour, and if left alone, self interest will rule their actions. When you give away trust freely, and you have a resource in demand, you will probably get abused because you are not protecting it.

So this is what i mean whenever i says, "trust is built, not given".

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