Saturday, August 16, 2008

Hell of a day

Friday, 15 August 2008 is one of those days that goes like a roller coaster ride. I am sharing my crappy day with the world who cares to read ... and laugh.

9am : Woke up early to buy my sister's favorite breakfast. Yes, 9am is considered early for a non-working day. I have taken leave on Thursday and Friday to prepare for my last paper later in the evening. The lady boss did felt like making any more of my money, so she did not open for business. Went home empty handed to clear red mountain of work emails and continued to study hard.

7pm : I had prepared for 8 questions for the paper. I need to answer only 5, so I stood a good chance to score well. That was until the reading time commenced. None of the spotted questions came out. Whatever tips given from the lecturer were useless, we were all smoked and left to die. A look at my course mates faces confirmed that this paper would have a heavily moderated grade.

1.25am : While having a drink at Brewerks, bad new struck. A critical application went dead. I had to abandon my groupies and go to the office. For the first time, I brought up the DR service, got the users back to work and troubleshooted the system ... under the influence of alcohol. Please do not try this at work. I only did this because no one else knows the system. I left office at 10am after handing over the recovery portion to my colleagues who had arrived after 7am.

Life sucks. A contractor is working harder than perm staffs. The sorest part is that no matter how hard you work, they will not give you a single cent of bonus. I had to cancel my date with my sister because I was so dead tired.

For the record, one of my colleague left my company, Axiant Consulting today for green pastures. And that makes me the last chinese guy in the company.

On the other hand, the curse of new trimesters has struck again, even before our exams started for trimester 3. BIS1 is again, on the verge of another epic battle with Murdoch and Kaplan in the continuing saga of the Romance of the 3 Kingdoms. This time, it's the battle that may well chang the entire course structure !

Stay tuned !

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