One of my favorite breakfast spot is the Banquet food court at Harbourfront centre. In order to fulfill my destiny of growing fat and die, I will often go for the roti prata stall to get my morning fix. It's not cheap, as the plain prata goes for $0.90 and egg prata for $1.80. Well I guess even at that kind of pricing, Banquet can't be bothered to make sure that they have prata to sell me.
Me : 1 egg 1 kor-song !
Indian guy : *Shaking head in response*
Me : Eh 1 egg 1 kor-song !
Indian guy : *Waves hand*
Me : Huh ? (looks around and found no prata dough around)
Indian guy : Teh Tarik ?
Me : *Walks off*
Well I guess the hike in food prices caused a massive increase in flour prices, resulting in the fact that $0.90 cannot buy me a plain prata anymore.
Hi!! I'm interested in taking up B.Commerce (hospi/tourism/marketing),murdoch,AMPI and planning to register next week.However after reading your blog entries,now i have mixed feelings!!!!Are they really that bad?
Their business course are quite solid from the feedback from my friends. The IT course is a case of rough love but manageable. I got no idea how well do they fair for hospitality courses though.
If it's not a new course, it will be good to talk to the existing students in the course.
thanks a lot! I couldn't get much replies from B.Comm(hospi/marketing) students online.Sigh.Was hoping to find out more from them before i make payment...not cheap..sigh sigh.
many thanks again!
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