Wednesday, May 7, 2008

The good news and the bad news

Lets start with the good news first
Trimester 2 results
My 2nd trimester results was released this afternoon, just 2 weeks after the exams. That's fast, and my results was surprising good. The hellish 2 weeks of preparation and 1 week of leave was worth it. But I will still stick with my plan to take 2 subjects per trimester. Now for the Brewserk celebration session .. heh
And the bad news...
Stupid Phone
My O2 Atom ear piece jack is not working properly. I can only take and make calls using the hands off kit, which is a lousy piece of shit. This phone has barely made it passed 1.5 years and it better not die before a decent G-phone is out in the market.
Big Fat Poison Arrows
Because that I have worked overtime this evening, I was also rewarded and assigned to tackle a problematic project with has a vendor who cannot commit resources and have to liaise with an infamous user. I hope that I will not be the 3rd casualty in my team to fail to get the project to work out properly.
And APMI Kaplan screws up yet again
We were told that the first lesson for Software Architecture will be on Sunday, but no time was set in the time table. It was only when one of my fellow course mate emailed our course coordinator, that we knew it was already scheduled on Sunday 2pm to 5pm. Then later in the evening, we were informed that it should be 10am to 1pm. The fact that the lecturer is from India made me uncomfortable too. It sounds like a cost cutting move and I made a promise to my course mates that I will walk out of class if the lecturer speaks in heavy cannot-be-understood-ed Indian accent. Let's wait and see.


Anonymous said...

Hi JK, for my system analysis and design module, the lecturer is also an indian. I felt rather suprising then... Maybe bias, but i dun quite like indian lecturer cause of their accent and difficulties in understanding what they are teaching... generally commitment.

Terence said...

Hi J..

That's Mr Lakshman I supposed. He is pretty nice and good. Give us alot of hints and tips during exams.


jh said...

Yup, he seems nice.. =)

Unknown said...

I am not bias against any race but I absolutely hate it when I have to pay for a lecturer whom I can hardly understand. I am crossing my fingers for this Sunday's class. It's so unfair to pay for education service out of my own pocket if there is a complete communication problem.

Anonymous said...

Hi JK, how ur class for the sunday? Sad to say, i felt that today class (ICT208)was a waste of time. The lecturer didn't talk much about the module... Are we having the same lecturer as you before, "Malai"? About the 3 modules exemption, i felt rather weird, hope that it is a gd thing after all... =)

And Clarence, did you attend today lecture? How can i identify you? Can intro ourself during the next lesson?

Terence said...

Hi J,

Hope your classes so far are ok. Hmm 3 exemptions is a good thing.. doing less units is better than doing more. BIS 1 have quite a few of them who had to do all 12 units and I can tell you its very very siong.. so if you get the exemptions for 3 subjects.. then its good to fully utilise the free time to concentrate on other core subjects.

As for 208.. its pretty theory.. plus some good knowledge in Excel. Last term we had to do a couple of excel assignments and essay writing of (1500 words). JK was exempted for it though :P but not me.. hahaha alot of theory on Business Intelligence, Data Warehousing, OLAP and etc and our previous lecturer was not Malar... The previous one was pretty bad lor.. we complaint till the school stopped his services.. then as for Malar.. she's teaching us Software Architectures.. so I assume for your 3rd trimester.. she will be teaching you that as well ba.

Anyway good that we are all communicating here.. :)

jh said...

Hi j, yup i did attend the sunday class. If you notice, im the only one wear cap and Ms Malar did call my name "Clarence" during the class when she is confirming the email address =P See ya in class tml.

FYI : Hey seniors and j, there will be a new guy replacing Juliana. but i forgot that guy name liao. :s He told me that Juliana is leaving and he's taking over her. Seems like the turn over rate is high...

Seniors, im not sure if that guy will handle you guys also. But he seem okay, i even ask him to get power extension from the hotel and he almost immediately went to ask for it. Hope is not those 3 mins attitude. =)