Sunday, October 5, 2008

When Ah Long comes chasing

It had been sometime since my last post. All this while, I was busy fixing servers after servers at work which kept breaking 24/7. Most people have no idea how many ways servers can go wrong. In between the fights to keep them running, I had to squeeze in time to do my Final Year Project.

Towards the end of our last trimester, we had a nice surprise when we found that we just have to complete our Final Year Project to graduate. This meant that we only need to pay for one subject this trimester.

Well some things do not change, especially when it comes to APMI Kaplan. Apparently, their internal communication seems to have suffered a complete break down. Their Student Financials Services department seemed pretty clueless to what's happening and sent us an Ah Long's love letter to demand full payment for the last trimester.
Please be informed that the course fee of $5,350.00 for the payment of Installment 5 has been due since 27 August 2008. We are sure this is an oversight. We would appreciate if you could please pay this outstanding fee in full immediately to avoid any inconvenience during your study.

Bad Financial Standing (BFS)

Students will be considered to be in BFS if they have any outstanding fees or charges after the payment due date. If this occurs, BFS will be automatically applied to your student record. This means that you will be prevented from collecting course materials, attending lectures, re-enrolling, graduating, receiving results notifications and obtaining your results or an academic transcript. In order to avoid the inconvenience caused by the effects of BFS, it is important to ensure that all fees and charges are paid in full by the appropriate due date.

Our response was to send a furry of emails back to their Student Financials Service manager to protest against the reminder for payment as it wasn't updated to reflect what we should actually be paying for this trimester.

If Kaplan decided to put us into the "Bad Financial Standing" category, I believe this will generate a wave of very nasty actions from BIS1. At least I will, and I do carry out the threats I made.

Let's see how things go.